
My dog humps on my foot all the time. He's not big enough to reach my leg. I just ignore him.?

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Some people think that's weird. They say I'm perverted. But what good is it going to do to yell at the little guy? He doesn't know any better. He's fixed, but apparently still has some kind of urges. Should I scold him for this??? I'd feel like a butt if I did. He's just so tiny.




  1. It has nothing to do with him having urges as only a female in heat in the area will make him want to get into the humping with that out of the way the only thing left is dominate behavior if you don't discipline him, that behavior will make him feel that it is ok with you.He is actually claiming you as his so if someone else wants to approach you he will eventually react with trying to bite or growl.

  2. In many cases, small dogs tend to be horribly misbehaved because people let bad behavior go on because they're 'so tiny'.

    For example, to a person like this it's unacceptable for two German Shepherds to bark at the mailman, but a pom barking all day is 'cute' and okay.

    If he does this don't encourage the behavior.  Just stand up and walk away, move.  You don't have to scold him for it, but you don't have to give him the opportunity.

  3. Give him a stuffed animal to do his business on or tell him to stop.

  4. Hey Kat, here I am to your rescue! I have 2 dogs, one year and a half old one, and when he was a puppy, (He's A Cocker Spaniel named Chewy) he used to hump our legs all the time, and it is perfectly normal, your pup, will grow out of it. He is just being introduced to Hormones, and he cannot control them yet, just like his bladder.) He will snap out of it eventually, Chewy also Humped Plants, and anything that moved!) lol, dont worry about it it is not perverted. If someone says to you "Eww, dont let him do that, simply reply by saying "My little guy, just got introduced to Hormones, sorry he's just learning." and simply that. Have no expression on your face, and they will get it. I hope I helped!

  5. Dogs learn what they are taught.  When he does this, gently push him down off your leg and tell him a Stern NO.  If he attempts to do it again repeat these steps.  He has to be taught... and saying the Little guy doesn't know any better is a cop out.  He knows what he is doing and he thinks it is ok, because you're letting him do it.

    Train him.

  6. yes you need to scold him. just gently remove him from your leg;lightly tap him and say "no' in a firm voice . continue this until he learns your foot is not a place to release these urges. Even though he's little he still needs to learn

  7. Yes! You must scold him...he is being dominate toward you.

    Scolding doesnt mean hurting or physically correcting him. Tell him not and make him sit, dont allow such behavior.

  8. When a dog humps your leg like that it is his way of telling you that he is in charge. He is telling you I am the dominate one you are the submissive one. When he does this you need to with no emotion and without hurting him make him stop have him sit and become the submissive one. You need to let him no you are in charge. Once he realizes this he will stop. Never do it with anger or emotion stay calm dogs can sense you energy and will act on that energy. The leader of the pack would never purposely hurt a member of the pack but they will let the others no who's in charge.

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