
My dog hurt his leg. Help Please?

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My dog was running when he started to limp. I think he pulled a muscle. When i move his leg, he does not whine. He keeps his leg high up and only when you rub his leg, he lowers it. I am going to take him to the vet tomorrow but does anyone have any suggestions to whats wrong?




  1. Go to your nearest vet and get a check up

  2. Take your dog to the emergency vet right now, don;t wait till tomorrow

  3. Chances are that after you check his foot and toes and find nothing he will be fine,Since there is no real pain leave the dog alone and it should go away.It might also be because he likes the attention.If it still going on after a few days then you need to go to the vet.Not every ach and pain needs a vet visit.Tilks Mom

  4. if he pulled a muscle you need to get a warm wash cloth and hold it on the spot 4 a min or two and keep him off of the leg.tell u go 2 the vet.

  5. check if there is something stuck between the wedges in his paw pads.

  6. Lot's of dog's don't whine or show when they are in pain even if they are. When you take your dog to the vet they will most-likely give you something that acts as a painkiller for your pet, there isn't much they can do to help speed the healing but your dog should  be OK. Your dog could just have a cramp and it will be fine in a couple of days, he could also have a rock or something sharp stuck in his paw or a broken toe nail so check that carefully. Worst case scenario he broke a bone or pulled a muscle, if it's a broken bone that would be pretty bad depending on the break but by your description it doesn't sound like the case. Good luck :)

  7. check his toe nails to see if one is broken

  8. Or something.  If he doesn't appear to be in sincere pain, tomorrow will probably be fine.  It could be a bruise or sprain, either one.  Or perhaps he just got something in his foot, which you can check for at this time.  But generally, if it isn't troubling him too much, it probably isn't too critical.

  9. Check in between the pads of his paw, is something caught. Is a paw pad cracked or have a thorn in it? Did he get nick/cut in his ankle?  He maybe just pulled a muscle. Give him some time to relax and see how he gets around. If he won't walk on the leg then take him to the vet. Some times like with children, the boo boo just needs a little time.

  10. I would suggest seeing your vet ASAP.

    If your vet is closed, they should refer you to an emergency vet.

  11. How long ago did this happen?  If this was really recent (like today or yesterday) then I agree with what Smile said...just wait it out.  If your dog starts to show any discomfort (whining or lack of diet) over the next couple of days and doesn't show any improvement, I would defiantely take him to the vet.  However, that happens a lot to some of my dogs at my daycare.  Sometimes they will just pull a muscle...some have torn ACL's...others have split a toenail (or even ripped one off) so it's nothing to dismiss, but if your dog isn't in immediate distress, just wait it out a little bit.  Massage the area...dogs love to be rubbed (don't forget! :) ).  

  12. Your dog probably did pull a mussel. You don't have to take it to the vet in a couple days it should be fine

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