
My dog is acting weird to the new kitten?

by  |  earlier

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A couple of days ago my family and I got a new kitten and brought it home. We waited a while to introduce it to our four year old, fixed, border collie mix because we were concerned about how she would react. (She is super jealous of all other animals and has been known to nip at other dogs.)

Anyway, when she was introduced to the kitten she starts to l**k him a lot and turn him over on his belly. Then she whines and nudges him. I kinda figured the nudging was the herding instinct or something. But the l*****g thing is new. She'll go over and l**k him, follow him around and whine if he leaves her sight. Or sometimes she'll just stare at him and whine. She wants to know where he is at all times and wants to lay near him

Is this some mothering instinct or is it more along the lines of confusion? Has anyone had this happen before?




  1. mothers l**k their pups to intice them to suckle.

    Watching it may be herding/mothering or protection instnict.

    It all dependings on the dogs personality. Don't leave them alone together though and make sure to give the dog pletly of lvoe and affection.

  2. It is her mothering instinct coming in to play considering she is grooming the kitten and wanting to know where it is at all times. Even though she is ok around the kitten, still keep an eye on them both considering they are different species until the kitten is old enough to get out of the way when  it has had enough.

  3. I have had female dogs that "adopted" orphaned kittens before.  Even started nursing them and began getting milk.???

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