
My dog is constantly gagging! ?

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My dog (teacup yorkie 8 months)is constantly gagging or making a gagging noise, but he hasn't thrown up. Is it just a cold or should I take him to the vet?




  1. well this happens to my dog too so if your dogg is gagging you dogs collar might me on too tight or if you are picking him up or dragging him u have to  quit doung that not saying that you are doing that

    i have she saame problem with my dogs  

  2. Is it drinking or eating? Is the dog flustered or just gagging? Is it more of a cough or choking? Was it playing with other dogs recently?

    If he's choking and seems in stress take him right away.

    If it's a cough, offer a small piece of bread and see if he eat it... if he does, it's probably a cough, give half tea spoon of honey to him (open his mouth and rub it on his tongue)

    If he's been around bones, chicken bones, etc, take it the vet immediately.

  3. Reversed breathing.

    With toy breeds (like my Chihuahuas) gagging and choking is totally normal, caused by generations of down-sized breeding.  This is particularlly bad in "teacup" sized dogs.

    Bottom line: the puppy will be fine, but if it bothers you, you'll have to go with a bigger dog because all little dogs have it.

  4. Being that it is a teacup (aka RUNT) and it is acting strangely, I'd take it to the vet. No telling what's wrong with it.

  5. This could be a sign of Kennel Cough which is similar to the colds that we get.  If it is just the gagging and some coughing, then they should be able to get over it in a week or so.  If it is accompanied by some depressed behavior and/or loss of appetite, not drinking water, lack of energy, runny nose/eyes, etc, then it is getting worse and could possibly have become dog pneumonia.  

    The gagging could also be that there is something lodged in the dog's throat.  Open the mouth and look in to see if there is anything in the throat.  

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