
My dog is covered in tiny ticks, I have just applied his monthly treatment of Revolution, will they die?

by  |  earlier

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I just want to know if I have to pick all of the tiny things off of him to kill them, or will they die with the revolution?





  1. They will probably die, but it's best you pull them off him.  Too many ticks and he can become enemic.  Don't squash them just get a pair of tweezers, grab them and gently pull upwards, drop them in rubbing alcohol to kill.

    Do not try to burn them or smother them in nail polish it doesn't work, only a pair of tweezers will get them out.

    ADD:  It looks like Revolution only kills fleas, in that case it will not kill the ticks.  Frontline plus kills ticks but since you've already applied Revolution do not dose him with Frontline you'll do only harm to your dog.  Pull off the ticks don't expect them to die because I don't think the Revolution is going to do anything.  Look to switching to Frontline Plus, it kills, ticks, fleas, flea eggs and chewing lice.

    Good luck

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