
My dog is driving me crazy! How to get a paranoid, stressed, neurotic dog to calm down?

by Guest59926  |  earlier

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My mom used to say that however you are as a younger person, you become more so when you get old. If you were nice, you become a wonderful old person. If you were grumpy, you become a downright grouch.

Well, I think it must be true for dogs, too. My dog was always a little neurotic, a little stressed, a little paranoid. Now that he's old he's just constantly stressed. He follows me around panting his fear pant.

It's incredibly annoying and I don't have a clue what to do for him. I think part of his fear is connected to his stress he gets when people start packing bags, like when they're going on vacation (don't ask why I think this--I know my dog and I've seen this progress for years). But no one's going on vacation! No one's packing. He's just really stressed constantly.

Ordinarily, I'd give him some Bach flower remedies, calming herbs, DAP, etc., like when there are fireworks (he's too deaf to hear them now) but he's like this constantly.

Yes, he does see his vet regularly. He's old and not terribly healthy, but mostly it's just oldness, not any specific disease.




  1. Your dog is miserable.

    He has lived his whole life in fear... imagine what a crappy existence that would be?  I put down a fearful dog, not because I wanted to, but because she needed to be put out of her misery.  

    He is deaf, fearful, and not healthy.  Once you start thinking about the best option for HIM, not yourself, the answer should not be hard to come by.  

  2. Poor dog,I have seven dogs and a few elderly,If he cant see very well and he has always been stressed he is scared! Why give him some herbs,give him more love and attention,wouldnt you want it when or if you get to that point!

  3. Have you considered pain as a source for his behavior?  Dogs do not always express pain in ways that are obvious, restlessness and anxiousness can be a symptom of pain.  As can panting.  

  4. It is called Separation Anxiety.

    Lots of dogs have it, mine is one of them.  I never get to see it because he only does it when I leave.  But he wines like crazy.  

    Do you give him attention and try and stop him from being nervous?  If you do, he knows that if he acts that way he gets attention.  What you need to do is only look at him and touch him when he is laying down or fully relaxed.  If he is panting, ignore him.  

    If that is too hard, which I know it can be, put him in a crate.  Then only let him out once the whining stops and he is relaxed.  The first couple times in the crate he will whine like crazy but be patient.  It will help him relax and live a longer stress free life.  

    Your dog has been and is currently neurotic because the behavior has been reinforced.  The trick is to break that cycle.  I foster dogs and the hardest part is to get them to learn the new rules.  Whining and jumping and barking are not ways to get attention in my house.  That is the philosophy you need.

    It will take time and you will need to be patient.  But your dog will thank you for helping him out.  Also, if you pet him immediately upon coming home that reinforces it at well.  Remember, do not give any attention to him if he is not relax and calm.  Good Luck


  5. a lot of medicines that we use works on dogs also, you might want to ask your vet for medicine that would calm down you dog, like we get muscle relaxer and depression medicine.  maybe just something easy would work on your dog. just a thought

  6. Most likely your dogs disability's (deafness as you pointed out and possibly a traumatic experience.) The dog is probably just afraid of being alone, and over anxious. Take you dog on walks, and when you come back pet it for fifteen minutes. slowly change yours walks with him from once a day to every other day ect. untill you taking him out only twice a week. If he is old he may only be able to take short walks. He should be tired after the walks so after petting him give him an old blanket of yours (your scent will comfort him) and have him lay down in the same room as yours. keep your dog relaxed and pay attention to it. If it is going deaf or blind it often with be very paranoid and afraid, so patience is your friend.

    good luck  

  7. We have a crazy dog too! He's an odd mix. And about 1 1/2 years old. He's aggressive towards others...ok with stern men...and goes PHYCO... so right now he's an outdoor dog. (still gets attention...sleeps in an inside kennel...and gets to go ouside when he wants and gets feed food/water everyday...BUT...we want him in the house but can't do so right now and a trainer couldn't help >_< cuz he doesn't like strangers.

    SOO we saw this on tv. Its a collar. I know it sounds kinda odd... but i think it'll work. We're ordering it after we get our dog all set. I'd see if it works.

    I think it does so we're getting it soon!!!

    (b4 winter cuz he can't be outside in the dog should!)

    GOOD LUCK!!! i really think it works!

    Then again... This is kinda for young dogs.

    Your dog is up there and just wants you. He may be scared so try to be there to comfort him! i don't think anything serious is wrong! Just be there for him.

  8. He may letting you know there's something else wrong with him that no one knows about.  He could be letting you know his time is coming to an end or he needs more attention.  It could be the fact that he doesn't hear so well anymore.  Something is bothering him or he's giving you a message that something is wrong.

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