
My dog is hurting. Need answer fast ASAP?

by  |  earlier

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Hey. My dog was bloating and having abdominal pains earlier. He wasn't able to urininate or use the bathroom. He went p**p on his walk we gave him. His nose, appetite, and eyes are normal and he wanted human food. He's not so bloated anymore. Please answer soon. Thanks.




  1. UGH, these questions are frustrating!!! This is NOT a place to get answers to medical questions, particularly since yours sounds like a dire emergency! Bloat is a SERIOUS medical problem, that will result in death if not treated immediately. You need to get your dog to a vet ASAP, that's your answer! Hurry, and good luck!

  2. If your dog is bloated i would seriously get him to the emergency vet immediately. Bloat in most cases is fatal if untreated. Ill pray for ur baby

    Good luck

  3. Emergency vet ASAP!!!

  4. Quickly go to the vet because it may be something serious for your dog. Some might be closed and for others there might be an emergency fee, but that doesn't matter in saving an innocent dog's life. Go now and I hope he turns out okay :).  

  5. If the dog is bloated and cannot urinate,you need to take it to the vet right now!! he could have a blocked bladder or a kidney problem.If he does not urinate,he will die ,plain and simple.

  6. You need to take your dog to the vet or emergency vet asap.  He could just have a lot of gas and p**p or he could have twisted intestines (symptom is bloating).  Did he ever urinate?  At the very least call your vet and see what he/she recommends?  The twisted intestines is very serious and could require surgery that would save your dog's life.  Or it could be something entirely different.  Better to make a call.

  7. Go to the vet ASAP!

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