I took my 13 year old dog into the vet 3 days ago because she hadn't been eating for awhile and had lost weight. Come to find out she's lost 2 lbs. and gone from 15 lbs to 13. The vet tested her blood and said that she was in kidney failure so I left her there so they could give her fluids and try to get her eating again. I picked her up from the vet yesterday since she had eaten her breakfast and hadn't thrown up. She ate her dinner last night with no problem, but this morning, she won't eat again. Right now she is lying on her pillow shivering and the vet is out of town until Wednesday. I feel so helpless! The vet put her on the Purina kidney diet and she won't eat that. I called today and got some high calorie food to mix with the other. She took a few bites and then wouldn't eat anymore. She peed in the floor today (SO not like her), and pooped twice in the floor (somewhat like her). All I can think to do is put a diaper on her and take her to a different vet on Monday, but what to do until then??