
My dog is leaving , How can i stop it?

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Is there anyway i can keep my dog from leaving?

My mum is taking her to the RSPCA in 20mins.

How can i stop her from leaving???





  2. OMG I feel sad for you!

    hide with your dog somewhere, go out for awlk with your dog,... visit a friend for a while and when you get back to ur mum growling you cry and tell her how you you love the dog and you want it to stay!<3

    god bless!!

  3. sorry to hear this, why is your mum leaving with your dog, beg her for another chance of proving you can take care of her and you'll help look after his/her needs. Don't give up.  

  4. You didn't say why. Is the dog aggressive? Behavior problems? Pooping in the house? Not getting enough exercise? Barking? Is someone allergic?  The list is very extensive ... you fill in why she's taking her to the RSPCA and then we can help.

    We need more info.

    ADD: OK, it seems like your dog is bored at home alone. If you still have her, try this:

    1. Exercise. Get off the computer, go outside and take her for a long run/walk at least twice a day. Get her tired before she has to spend the day alone inside. She is not being a 'bad' dog. She is just bored and chewing is fun.

    2. Crate training. Note 'training' -- you don't just toss the dog in a crate and expect her to like it. Gradually acclimate her to it. Follow instructions found here:

    Good luck.

  5. the reason why your dog is leaving is that it is looking for a mate. i think you musn't worry about it. it's all normal. my dog leaves too. but they will come back again. hehe

  6. tell her that you wont eat your dinner  

  7. TAKE THE DOG AND RUN!!!!! Grab the dog and tell your mom you are taking her for one last walk and then take her to a friends house or something! Don't let your mom take her there! If you love your dog you won't let it happen to her!!

  8. tell her that you love the dog and if she takes him she will have 4 dogs

  9. thats really sad =(

    just stay with ur dog and make the most of ur time left with her.

    answer mine plz;...

  10. your mom is CRUEL

  11. shoot it yourself or lock the dog in the shed and hide the key and stuff

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