
My dog is l*****g Grass?

by  |  earlier

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When I go on walks with my dog(Border Collie, 1yo) he starts to l**k the grass, and then he's walking with me and he starts to drool and his mouth starts to almost vibrate. Why is he doing this, what's happening?




  1. typical doggie diet. My dog does it to. just dont let him eat to much or sometimes itll make him sick.  

  2. That could be just a nervous habbit or he has a reaction to a chemical that was put in the grass

  3. dogs and cats eat grass to stabilise their acidy stomachs. same as when we have heartburn we take medicine to cool it.

    they eat grass when they feel sick. make sure that whatever grass he eats hasnt been treated with pesticides

  4.    My dog used to l**k the grass but he would mostly eat it.  I have heard that he might have been doing it for a few different reasons.  One is his stomach may get a little upset and somehow the grass makes his stomach not hurt as much, or he has a vitamin or mineral deficiancy and the grass somewhat fortifies it, lastly he could be doing it as just a little habbit of his.  Just watch him and make sure he's not getting sick anywhere around where he likes to hang-out and have as much fun as possible  loving each other for life!  

  5. He needs to go into rehab,he is having withdrawal he gets into your stash and now he think the grass in your draw is the same one outside.Poor doggy.

  6. maybe hes hungry, try feeding him more often

  7. Sometimes when dos are sick or they have diarhea or they just ate something they shouldnt they tend to l**k and eat grass my old dog when we gave him a cookie he starter l*****g and eating the grass too

    hope i helped


  8. it could be a chemical in the grass

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