
My dog is limping? Help please?

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My dog is limping. He was biten by a spider a while ago I gave him antiobiotics and it all cleared up. Now he is limping again. I cant see anything. He lets me touch his paw, leg, everything. I cant afford to take him in and get x-rays etc. I've tried keeping him off of it. It seems like when he lays down he limps worse when he gets up. Any ideas on what I can do?




  1. How old is the dog? I assume it's the same leg he was bitten on, right?  

  2. Go on google and just type in free pet care and then where you live. Hopefully something might pop up and you have a shelter in your general area that will treat your animal for a very low price or for free. If not, I would call your regular vet and explain the situation to him; tell him that the dog is limping, you are very worried but dont have the money right now to bring him in etc. Perhaps your vet and you can work out a payment plan, because i know some vets do do that. Goodluck I hope your dog gets better

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