
My dog is limping badly...?

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My dog is limping really bad, to a point where she won't even put her back left leg on the ground when she's walking. I don't know what happened to her but after our walk yesterday she's been doing this. I can't take her to the vet right now; maybe not until a few hours.

I can't get her to stop walking around though, I'd prefer she just lay down.

What should I do about it until I can take her to the vet?




  1. Hi Japrice, Wished you had told us what kind of dog she was & how old?  Ironically my beloved "Boxer Son" also could not put any weight down on his left hind leg. I know you need an answer now so i'll keep it short.  Keep her as comfortable as possible by lying down with her stroking her head and lightly massaging the injured left hind leg.  A small heating pad or  self made warm water bottle will alleviate the pain & make sure to have a blanket to keep heat in.

    Of course you would want to keep close watch & rotate it around the hind quarters.  I also gave Spencer a baby aspirin till we got to the vet.

    When you go to the Vet.  make sure he takes xrays & do a complete blood work up.  I'm not implying that your dog has Hip displasia like Spencer but if your dog is diagnosed with arthritis and joint pain please don't agree to put your dog on steroids.  That was my Vets. advice.

    Go to Petco and purchase Nutri-Vet Hip & Joint Plus.  Give it a try it most definitely improved the quality of my Boxer's life.  Good Luck and i'll say a little prayer for you both.

  2. I'm glad you are taking her to the vet. That is the only way you cn find out why she is limping. Try to sit down beside her and pet her. Keep her as inactive as you can until you can get her to the vet. She doesn't need to be putting weight on it as it may cause further damage. Good luck to you

  3. If you can try to get her to lie down and not use it but she will know what she can do. I would get her to the vets as soon as possible

  4. It could be numerous things but the only thing you can do is to try to get her to relax.  Check her paw for any foreign objects to rule out that but it may be an ACL tear or a fracture somewhere.  The most important thing is to keep her off of it until you can get a proper diagnoses from a veterinarian.  

  5. tie her up where she can't see you and she will settle down eventually. check on her every 10min so you know she is alright, try not to let her see you and give her plenty of water!

  6. Have you checked your dogs paw for any thorns?  

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