
My dog is nervous, whining, climbing, wants to be right near me and is panting?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know what to make of this, he is panting but is not hot, he is trying to be right by me (he never does that) he acts like he has had too much caffeine but of course has had none, I have never seen him act like this. I gave him gas medicine, pain medicine and massaged him, that seemed to help a bit but this went on all night, now he seems fine and is asleep.




  1. I reeeeally hope you didn't give your dog tylenol..This is a very bad thing.

    The symptoms you described tell me that he's in pain..Could be just about anything from a blockage to, well, anything..He's obviously distressed...Please at least call the vet o.k. ?

  2. Dogs do that when they are nervous.  My dog does that when there are thunderstorms or fireworks.  Sometimes even when I can't hear the thunder, she can.  Don't just load the dog up with meds though!  Just pet him and let him stay close to you.

  3. try giving a bath that should help relax and calm down quite a bit

  4. What pain medication did you give him.  Unless it's from a vet, no medication should be given.

    Panting can be a sign of pain, that coupled with the aggitation that you're describing sounds like he's having a pain issue.  He should be seen by a vet asap to determine what is going on and so that the correct medication can be dispensed, if some is needed.  

  5. Sounds like he is sick or in pain. If your animal is acting like this, you should take him to the vet for a proper diagnosis. He could have ingested something that is poisionous or stuck. Hope he's ok!

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