
My dog is on her period, its her 1st one. How long will it last?

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My dog is on her period, its her 1st one. How long will it last?




  1. about 1-3 weeks. keep her away from guy dogs they will try their best to get to her. BTW this is called heat. The best way to deal with it is to have her spayed. This takes away her ability to get pregnant. and no more heats

  2. couple weeks, have a blanket reserved for her to lay on and she will drip.....wih each heat it gets lighter. the bleeding will go 4 two weeks and then she just puts out a scent.

    PS IF WE ALL CUT OUT OUR s*x ORGANS WE"LL BE LESS LIKELY TO GET CANCER>>>>>LETS CUT OFF OUR **** AND TESTES TOO. would u do that ?no of course not......but your dog  may possibly, just like us, get cancer.......get a better argument. like overpopulation and all the killings every year.

  3. no no no dont get her spayed if you dont want to, there is a pill that you can get from your vet.

  4. A month. Keep her locked up coz male dogs will do anything to get to her.

  5. Hi Secret,

    First week coming into her cycle.

    Second week ready to breed.

    Third week going out of her cycle.

    That's a total of 3 weeks My Friend.She will come into her cycle every 6 months. If you plan on breeding her,wait until she is 2 years old.

    Your Friend,


  6. It's called a heat,and it last approximately 21 days.You should get the dog spayed when she is out of heat,as it's best for her health.

    Jaime - I know very well about the overpopulation problem,but I really get sick and tired of typing it 50 times a day.And I get my dogs spayed not just to prevent cancer,but to prevent false pregnancies,mastitis and the deadly and all-too-common uterine infection,pyometra,which people do not get as far as I know. So a spayed dog IS a healthier dog,and just so you know, ALL of the dogs I have ever had in my life have been rescues.

    And why are those of us who are suggesting the dog be spayed getting thumbs downs?? I guess the backyard breeders are out tonight!!

  7. first off, I agree with Dances With Woofs. Great information about a heat cycle and spaying. She will be on heat for about 3 weeks, it is very messy and uncomfortable for her. She is completely driven by her hormones right now and would rather try to breed than be a playful, lovable pet. Spaying her would relieve her of all of these undesirable hormone driven behaviors, also..intact dogs can develop pyometra, a deadly uterine infection.

    secondly.. jaimie- I had a complete hysterectomy because I had precancerous growths in and on everything- it saved my life. It is a valid reason to have your pet spayed.

  8. A week or so, and then she will do it again in about six months.

    Get her spayed as soon as you can.  It's best for her and your carpets.

  9. 2-3 weeks

  10. Your dog will be in heat for about three weeks.  As soon as she comes out of it, get her spayed.  Until then, keep her away from intact males.

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