
My dog is preggy and she mated more than once she's almost due, how will I know when she'll having her pups?

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My dog is a medium sized Chihuahua (deer head) and so is her hubby.

My dogs pups are moving allot, she's huge she's still eating normal. The first time they mated was on June 18, 2008 and we are now on August 19, 2008, I know it's 63 days but not sure when the 63 days are up because they mated continuously for 1 1/2 weeks after the first time. not sure exactly when she got preggy. How many days after the heat cycle do they usually get pregnant?




  1. 1 day!

  2. i really dont think thats normal. dogs will only mate during her heat cycle, not a month after. i would talk to your vet about this, and its the only way to be sure. he can give an ultra sound to see how developed the pups are and can give you an estimated due date. they never are accurate anyways. but you should be taking her anyways, if you are responsible.  

  3. You can take her temp with a rectal thermometer.  She will tolerate that well, just hold her.  When the temp drops to 98 degrees she will whelp (give birth) within 12-24 hours.  Also, with her minor contractions which start around the same time she will really start the "nesting" Jack Russell tore up the carpet....

  4. i have two chi's and they mated twice and we had a litter of 4 pups 2 boys & 2 girls. If it's been 63 days since they mated she should be ready to give birth. I loved my little babies. Our pups were born at 65 days by csection :(  

    How Long is a Dog in Heat?

    A normal heat cycle lasts approximately three weeks. In the beginning stages, known as proestrus, a *****'s v***a begins to swell, and you may notice her l*****g herself more than usual. Male dogs will also begin sniffing her more as her hormones start to produce a scent that signals she is coming into breeding condition.

    [edit]How to Tell if Your Dog is in Heat?

    Very soon after the v***a begins to swell, the ***** will begin to produce a bloody discharge. The amount will vary from one ***** to the next, so it may or may not be noticeable.

    Sometime around nine to twelve days, the color of the discharge lightens to a pinkish-tan color, and it's usually around this time, referred to as estrus, that the v***a softens and eggs are released from the ovaries. At this point you may notice your ***** flirting with other dogs; this is a sign she is ready to accept a male's advances.

    If the heat cycle is allowed to continue uninterrupted, by the third week, the discharge begins to look bloody again. The amount will trail off until the cycle has concluded with an estrus.


  5. i can tell you if shes still eating shes not close yet. she will not want to eat or drink, will sleep alot and want to be with her, if this is her first time when she starts breathing and panting hard shes close but it could be up to a day but she would like for you to be there because she will be scared and need you in case she doesnt know what to do or she needs help

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