
My dog is scared of cans and fizzy/alcoholic drinks?

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My dog is a Tentifeild Terrier

He is really scared of fizzy drinks/ alcoholic drinks and the cans that they come in. If i am drinking out of a can he gets frightened, shakes and runs away. And if he smells the drink he does the same.

Whenever i have a can or fizzy type drink i always put him outside where he cant get scared.

Why is he so afraid? We have never hit him or anything. Nor have we made him drink any of these drinks?

Is he scared of the sound of the cans and the smell?

What can i do to help him? because he cries when we are inside with people over if we are drinking cans of coke and other drinks....and we would like him to be inside with us, cause people love him.




  1. That is very very strange.  Was he a rescue?

    Try putting the soda in a regular cup and see how he reacts

    Then put the empty can near the dog and see what he does with that, this way you can figure out whether its the fizz or the can he is afraid of.

    If the dog isn't a rescue and has had no chance of ever being abused, it may just be a fear the dog has.  A very strange fear I must say.  Just try to get the dog used to the can/fizz by telling the dog it is okay and petting him.

  2. he is a very smart dog..he doesn't like the smell! plus alcohol can kill a dog so good thing!

  3. This is actually believe it or not pretty common in dogs. Whenever i cracked open a soda, my dog would freak out and run to go under my bed. Most dogs arent sensitive to noises like that if they arent exposed to the noise soon after they are braught home. My shnauzer heard some nearby hunters shoot some geese one day when she was a puppy, and ever since then she was scared of lound, sudden noises like a nail gun, or even a stapler. So, if you dog can be around you while you are opening cans or drinking alchohal, try keeping him seperated from you and the crowd. Also, he/she can get used to the noise or smell if they are around it enough. If you need anything else feel free to email me.

  4. maybe his owner was drunk and he got abused so he thinks you might hurt him

  5. i agree with stefie.  =)

    just think of it this way.  it's better that he is scared of it then ifhe jumps all over you to drink it.  it's bad for them.  

    if you want to help him adjust to it, give him treats whenever they are around.  like...  have the can in one hand, and give him treatswith the other.  keep praising him when he is in close distance to a can.  

    also, don't coddle him.

  6. mabe he's  thinks something bad is gonna happen

  7. it could be the fact that when it fizzys some fly into the air and it could have jumped onto his nose :( happened to my dog he run for it!!

    dogs nose and sence of smell is sooo sensitive it prob smells awful to him and the fizzy noises bits flying everywhere!!!

    if he sees the can being opened he knows what will happen so do not drink them in front of him or ditch them altogether they are compelte p**p to put in your own body anyway!

    i would not put him outside when youi have one though this might re-enforce the idea that it is 'scary' and it will make  worse, he also might see it as a punishment, everytime you have a drink from a scary can he gets shoved outside for no reason!

  8. maybe he was abused prior to this and the drinks bring back bad memories.

  9. Thats good it keeps him away from the bad stuff. And just keep the stuff away.

  10. he's smart.

    its not good for you.

  11. Any animal hates the fizzy sound.

    Also the smell probably isn't the nicest.

    All my pets hate fizzy.

  12. Every time you get a can of soda, give him a treat.

    Once he is okay with that, put the can down (unopened) and put a treat on it for him to take.

    Once he is okay with that, consistently, open the can, and put a treat on it-let him get used to that.

    The idea here is to get him to think that cans are a good thing-they mean treats! It might take a while, but it's worth a try. Once he is okay with the can, you can open it so that he can smell the 'soda', but so that he still gets a treat. Then you could probably start pouring it in glasses and putting treats next to the glasses.

    It's a step-by-step, gradual process-but its worth a try!

  13. Maybe you guys should start buying bottled drinks or stop buying soda and fizzy drinks. I don't know what else to cat is terrified of cereal...weird right?? Who knows?,,,maybe it's a animal thing.

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