
My dog is still chewing things when I am at work?

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My lab is about 2.5 years old. He is a sweet, kind, and obedient dog. I have been home all summer (because I am a teacher) with him and all he does is sleep. I went back to school today and I came home to a holy mess. He chewed up a pencil, a pair of protective goggles, a bag with tissue paper in it as well as getting into my closed closet to get out a pair of MY shoes. Please keep in mind that my husbands stuff is ALL over the house as well as his closet doors WIDE OPEN but nothing was touched. This is not the first, second or third time this has always seems to be my belongings not my husbands.

The other thing is, I feel he knows what he did is going to get him in trouble. He never comes upstairs to where the mess was made. When I come down stairs to get him, he will be sitting on the landing with his ears behind his head.

Is there a way I can stop this without crating him? I know about the sprays and the exercise, but this is not working. I feel he is doing this because he is upset I am gone all day.

Please help. I am desperate.




  1. He is finding your things to chew on because they smell like you.  And sure, he probably knows that he shouldn't have done it, but in the moment of boredom and anxiety he doesn't give much thought to it.

    Can you close him off to a smaller portion of the house?  Make sure his "space" is clean and free of things lying around, or tabletops that he can easily reach.  Also leave plenty of toys and good bones to chew on while you're gone.  He also needs a GOOD deal of exercise daily to cut back on his destructive behavior while you're away.

    If all that doesn't work.... you're looking at more crate-time.

  2. get him somthing to chew on or ask your neighbour to look after your dog while your away from the house

  3. This sounds more like separation anxiety to me than anything else.  Yes, Labs are notorious chewers, but the fact that he is 2.5 yrs. old and only chews up your stuff when you are gone, never your husband's, tells me that he is anxious about your being away from him.  

    Dogs are pack animals and don't like to be separated from their packs (you and your husband, in this case).  I would suggest you talk to your vet about methods of easing separation anxiety and/or that you find a good book on dog behaviors that addresses separation anxiety and how to help your dog overcome it.

    Until the problem is solved. be sure to provide him with LOTS of acceptable things to chew, like Kong toys or some of the heavy rubber toys in which you can put dog treats to give him something to occupy him while you're gone.  They also make some devices (pretty expensive, I think, but maybe worth it) that allow you to record your voice, which is then played whenever he rolls the toy over.

    There are tips on desensitizing your dog to help cure separation anxiety on many websites.  I recommend you check one out, like the one below.

  4. If you are home , install a video camera, cheapest you can get , locked yourself into a room . Let the dog have its privacy. When it goes to eat something have a  speaker in the room where it usually happens make a loud , high pitch horn squesh . Eventually conditioning , conditioned responses will stop your dog from doing that.

    Buy your dog a chew to.

    When he chews on something discipline him, lock him in the basement .

    Oh you are gone all day, Get a blow horn and if you ever see him eating something he shouldn't blow it off.

    Im serious they did this on a show "its me or the dog" on Discovery and it worked.  

  5. a chew bone is always a good idea if it is big and will last him a good portion of the day then his jaw and teeth will be tired  so no need for him to chew

  6. Baby proof the house as much as possible. If he can't reach it, he can't chew it. Then, buy him lots of interesting dog toys that are so COOL to him, that he doesn't want your stuff, because his stuff is all of a sudden better. Get toys with lots of colors, shapes, noises, sizes and textures. Buy toys that you can hide treats in, then hide the toys. He will be so pre-occupied, that he will eventually forget all about your stuff.  

  7. i would leave the tv or radio on for him so he thinks someones home, or you could mix hot sause with water and spray it on the area's he chews. It DOESN'T hurt it just isn't pleasent so he stops, i outa know cuz i had a germansheperd who did this and the spray sause worked perfect, good luck!


  9. we use this spray called Bitter Apple. Humans cant really smell it but dogs and cats do. just spray it on some stuff like furniture etc and your dog will get the idea. we only had to spray it on stuff once and our dog stopped chewing on everything. you can get it at walmart or pet stores. its has a green and yellow sticker on the bottle. you should give it a try.

  10. You really do need to exercise him. If exercise doesn't work you are not giving him enough. Try riding your bike with him. Hold onto the leash and ride. Make sure before you leave he is tired out. Another option would be to get a baby gate and let him stay in a large room. Have you tried just closing the doors to places he could chew on stuff? Give him a variety of toys to play with while you're gone. Or give him a medium sized chew stick for him to chew on. Oh and make sure you give him plenty of water while you're gone!

               ***Good Luck*** :)

  11. Some dogs especially Labs stay puppies for quite a while and since your dog is displaying separation anxiety directed towards you, the only thing to do is prevent him from the opportunity to get to your belongings. Either by crating him or confining him to a Dog safe room if you don't want to use the Crating option. Really, this is safer for the dog as well as not give him opportunities for him to get into trouble which will only upset you. Also you could try D.A.P which releases pheromones that can help calm the dog down if you believe it is stress and anxiety causing this. If the anxiety is severe, the vet could prescribe meds such a Clomicalm. A crate or safe room could actually help your dog and serve as a safe den or haven for your dog.  

  12. He is showing separation anxiety. The only thing you can do is to either keep him in an area of the house where he can't get into things (kitchen maybe?) Or crate him. I have a bulldog that is great until I leave. But I have to crate him. He is fine there and actually knows when it's time to go in. He feels safe there and it is his "den". The reason he is chewing your things is that he feels closest to you and the scent of your things gives him comfort. Try giving him an old shirt or something when you crate him or separate him out. You could also try leaving for short periods of time with him loose in the house and show him "look, I'm coming back soon". Even if it's just 10 minutes, he can't tell time :). He'll learn that it's ok for you to leave and that you'll return.

    I hope I have been helpful! Good luck and best wishes.  

  13. well take him to where he bites point at it and give him a firm no also i know you say sprays dont work but try bitter apple spray of that and myy dog quit right away;...

  14. lock him in your bathroom with food water and a wee-wee pad until you get home. then take the things out for the night so you have easy access to the bathroom. then in the morning puut the stuff back in.

    my aunt uses this method and it works fine.

  15. bitter apple spray

  16. I think you are right. He is punishing you for leaving him. Try crating, I know you don't want too but you may not have to continue forever. Hopefully,(he sounds very smart) he'll get the idea that when he tears up your stuff, he goes in the crate. For your sake and his (you don't want him to end up having expensive surgery to remove a shoe from his colon) try crating! Good luck. He must really miss you!

  17. get a cage, keep him outside, or get a gate and keep him in the kitchen or something

  18. Are you sure that your husband didn't give your dog your stuff???? LOL.

    But pick up all you stuff, put it in a high place where your dog doesn't get it.


  19. Well you do have some of the problem diagnosed.

            (sarcasm alert..)  

    You have been at his beck and call all summer and now you dare to leave, what nerve, who do you think is in charge?

    The answer to this question is:  the dog is.

    The good news, if you pay less attention to the homecoming excitement he will be less annoyed about your absence.

    We humans have spoiled our dogs to the point that they don't always function well when we are away.  The best thing for him is 1) enough exercise.  2) not too much attention/affection.  3) feeling of security, provided by gate or crate.

    Care for his needs in the morning, include a short leashed walk with him beside you.  Don't even pat him goodbye, no fuss at all, just go to work.  Ignore him until he calms down when you get home.  Consider gates or a crate for the protection of your property and his safety.

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