
My dog is too skinny! How do I help him gain weight?

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I have a boxer pup (5 months old) that we bought from a pet shop. He was very skinny when we bought him and now all of his ribs show and he looks even skinnier! We feed him over the recommended amount on the dog food bag. The thing is, if he eats too much of his dog food he throws up.

He is a playful dog and gets plenty of exercise and water. I am so worried about him! How can I help him bulk up?




  1. now, how has all the efforts of people trying to educate about pet shop dogs miss anyone?

    anyway, boxers are usually thin as puppies. but you should ask your vet.

    boxers grow INTO muscular dogs. they are skinny puppies, try looking at some

  2. Buy the caned dog food and mix it with the dry he'll eat it fast.

  3. Feed him multiple meals in small portions throughout the day. Remy(my puppy) will throw up if given large portions so that method is what I find that works best for him. I also hold his bowl up for him. You can buy a stand for that if you want.

    Edit: I didn't notice the pet shop part before.

    Please adopt a dog from a shelter/rescue next time.

    You'll find there are so many benefits to it rather than buying from a pet store which is most of the time supporting puppy mills, guinea pig mills, cat mills...ect...there's just about a mill for every animal.

  4. Yes- boxer puppies are usually on the thin side- however, if you want to increase his weight then you should feed him multiple times a day in amounts he can tolerate.  Also keep him quiet after he eats because if he is running around then he will be more prone to throw up.  you should also have him evaluated by your vet to see if he is a normal weight- has he been dewormed? this is a huge cause of weight loss esp. in puppies.

  5. Hi you didn't mention how long you have had the pup when a pup has a groath spert they will look thinner for a week and then will get a little wieght again the pup will keep this up and down with wieght for its first year If you only had the pup for a short time and he has shown a sagnificant amount of wieght loss feeding the pup the way you are take the pup to the vet make sure he dosn't have parvo tape worm heart worm If the pup gets diagnost by a vet take it back to the pet shop I hope you got some kind of refund policy Just to say like others have don't get full bread dogs from a shop the parents of most of those dogs are over bread most every one I have known to get a dog from a pet shop have had some seriouse problem or another go to a real breader  As for puting some wieght on the little pup I have told this to alot of pepole cook some rice and some cheap ground meet beef or chickin No pork do not drain the fat after you cook it mix it with the rice give this in one cup portions at a time because the pup will eat after the pup eats that give him more when he is full he will stop doing it this way will at some point slow down while the pup eats don't mix this in with the dog food the pup will want this all the time expect it in its food Get the pup off puppy food most and i meen most puppy foods are not even good for puppies pro-plan is realy exseptional dog food have a bowl of it out I woud put it down after the pup is satisfied or enough of the rice and meet so he has something to go back to when he wants a little something I have had meny breads of dog in the past and pressint and the meet and rice works all the time and exsilent for pregnent dogs also real food thats good for them too.

  6. There may be a health issue that needs to be addressed.Take him to the vet ,they will advise you on a diet.

  7. find what food your dog likes.

    then give it to them and it might take about a year (depending how skinny) to get him to a good weight.

    also let your dog be a little bit lazier. think of how people gain weight, now apply that to your bulimic dog.

  8. You need to take your pup to the vet and be sure that he doesn't have worms or some other problem. Puppies need more food that adult dogs but if he is throwing up he may have another problem that can be fixed. Good luck!

  9. his wormy little buddies are robbing his body of nutrients. get him checked out, thats the best you can do for him. and to the person who said that boxers are meant to be skinny pups? are you retarded? no dog is supposed to be THAT skninny and boxers are thick muscular dogs loser.

  10. he has worms. go to the vet! also, boxers are meant to be skinny as pups. but definitely go to the vet

  11. Did you check to make sure his food is for his age? Try a different dog food or just mix it up....sometimes they get bored with their dog food.

    Pet Shops dont exactly offer the best care. (sorry but most dont)

    Also he may have worms or some other parasite?

    If so you need to get him to a vet and get him wormed.

  12. You really need to go to the vet

    But try feeding him scrambled eggs when my dog got really skinny my parents friends told us to do it and my dog got a little bigger!!!!

  13. I will just presume that since you bought the dog at a pet store that you have had him thoroughly checked out.

    A healthy boxer in predisposed to be a "trim" dog. With their short hair and builds it is not uncommon to see their ribs showing. If the dog is healthy and you are feeding it well, you have nothing to worry about. You simply have a BUFF dog.

  14. First of all, get him to a vet. Seeing you got him from a petstore, it could be caused by an underlying problem. Being from a petstore, he is more than likely from a Puppymill, so he could have multiple problems.

    In the meantime, feed him several small meals throughout the day apposed to 2 big meals a day.  It's not that he's eating too much of his food, it sounds like he's eating it too fast. Smaller meals 4-5x a day. Again, with him possibly coming from a Mill, he may have had to eat as quick as he could to make sure he got his share.

  15. Hi! :)

    Boxer puppies can look skiny but its great your cautious.  Is he up to date on shots, worming, flea and heartworm prevention?  It could be a health problem, I would get him wormed and vet checked to be sure.  You can also give a little high quality canned food along with the high quality puppy kibble.  Also you can make homemade thing like these...

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