
My dog is very naughty and does lots of mischief. Should i surrender him to shelter?

by  |  earlier

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my 5 month old maltese is way too naughty and keeps causing trouble all the time. He is totally mis-behaved and does not even consider me the alpha. He has no understanding of anything and is excessively hyper and destructive too.

Should i return him to animal shelter?




  1. Um no i really dont think so since he is only five months old. If u thought having a puppy was gonna be that easy, you might want to rethink that a little. My aunt has a maltese too but lulu is pretty laid back from what i saw. Oh, another question to ask is how much walking does he get? All dogs need half an hour a day and you shouldn´t take him around the same places all the time they get bored with the same old stuff just like we do. If you wanna know more about taming your dog you should watch the dog whisperer. This Cesar Milan guy is amazing and its on Fridays at 7 or 8 i think on national geographic.

  2. Maybe, if you're considering giving up on him that quick he might be better off with someone else.

    He's only 5 months old for heaven's sake! He's a little pup! If he doesn't consider you the alpha, it's something you're doing wrong. Suggest you enrol you and him in some training classes pronto to find out what to do.


  3. If it will get him out of your lazy household, yes.

    He's a puppy, he'll be adopted within the day.

    God forbid you have children. And if you have, I blame you for the Bush Administration. They too are peeing everywhere and tearing up things.  

  4. Yes.  You obviously didn't much consideration into what a puppy is like before you got one and you obviously can't be bothered putting the time and effort into training your puppy to be a well behaved member of the household.

    I have a 5 month old puppy as well (Belgian Shepherd Malinois).  He has already attended Puppy Preschool and is going to weekly puppy classes.  My 14 year old daughter is handling him for 2 reasons - 1. So she can learn how to train a dog and 2.  If she is able to handle him then any member of the family should be able to.

    Puppies are trouble, just like toddlers are trouble.  They need to be taught what is acceptable and what is unacceptable behaviour and if you can't be bothered doing that you will end up with a giant headache.

    I doubt your puppy is any more "hyper and destructive" than most other puppies.  I'm sure his levels of destructiveness are nothing when compared with a large breed puppy.  At least with a small breed you can easily put things out of their reach.

    Make your decision quickly - either decide to be a responsible dog owner and put some time and effort into your dog or take it back to the shelter while it has some hope of being rehomed and get a cat.

    Good luck for your poor little puppy.  I do hope it doesn't end up being yet another statistic of euthanization and its not a "dead dog walking".

  5. Sure since its clear you are too lazy or too cheap to enroll him in puppy obedience classes. Let him go to an owner or family that WILL put in the effort to train him properly.

  6. Your dog is still a puppy and at 5 months he is probably acting like a three year old. I am not sure what made you think that your puppy wasn't going to be naughty. I have a 2 month old who is naughty too but wouldn't even consider taking her to a shelter. Puppies take time just like children.

  7. well don't do that, what if they put him down?.

    just get obedience classes.

  8. lets think about this for a minute...  He's 5 months old...  in human time, that would be about 3 years old.  How well behaved were you when you were three?  

    Should he go back to the shelter?  if you are not willing to take the time to train him or take care of him, then yes.  However DO NOT EVER GET AONTHER DOG AS YOU WILL HAVE THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM.  

    What should you do?  Find an obedience class or someone who is willing to help you learn how to take care of him.  

    When you were three did your parents throw you out on the street because you were not perfect?  Or did they take the time to love you and teach you?

    Your dog is a puppy, what he is doing is normal behavior of a healthy untrained PUPPY.  Train him, or find someone else to.  and again, if you chose not to train him, realize that you will experience this with every puppy you get until you learn how to take care of a dog.  just giveing them food and water doesn't cut it.

  9. no did ur parents just leave u somewhere just because u cause trouble? he is naughty and doesn't cosider u the alpha because u didn't teach how to behave go to obedience classes

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