
My dog just ate an m&m??

by Guest33971  |  earlier

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Please, shes a miniature shnauzer and she weighs about 18 pounds, she just ate ONE MandM,,, is she gonna die! Please, HELP! AND BE SERIOUS.. AND I ALSO CANT TLL MY MUM, CAUSE MY MOM WILL KILL ME~! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! PLEASE, IT WAS ONE MANDM ! HELp!




  1. No, your dog is fine.  I had a friend who's miniature dachsund (10 lbs) at an ENTIRE bag of halloween candy.  She didn't feel so well, as you wouldn't if you ate a bag of candy in one night, wrappers and all, but she was fine. lol

  2. Heh... I'll assume this is serious and not a joke, in which case I can assure you that your dog is in absolutely no danger at all.

    Chocolate is not nearly as bad for dogs as people believe.  Bakers chocolate (that awful bitter stuff you buy in little squares to make fudge and brownies with) is the dangerous stuff because it's highly concentrated.  Candies like M&Ms are milk chocolate, which really isn't that bad for dogs.  I give my dogs M&Ms once in a while as a treat (just one each, they're small too).  It won't hurt your dog at all, just be more careful and keep candy away from her in the future just to be safe.  

  3. once my little brother had a m&m's on his head and he accdently drop one and my dog ate it but it couldnt hurt him it was just one little M&m

    and that was a long time ago and his still here today and same thing happen to my friend's dog and his still here today

  4. Don't freak out, it was just a tiny little piece of candy. She'll be totally fine. Tons of other dogs ate much much More chocolate than that, and they were completely fine.  

  5. NO! she will be fine! My chihuahua/terrier mix ate a whole chocolate bar on the fourth of july (we were having smores and she snuck it bad bad dog lol) and she was perfectly fine! Don't worry :) im glad you take interest in your dog. I hope she does well :)

  6. No... mine actually ate one too today on accident and she's 10 pounds. =]

    That much won't hurt so chill.

  7. She'll be fine. She would have to eaten a whole hershey bar to die. Don't worry, she will live :)  

  8. she should be fine. Takes more than that to make them sick. Just be more careful from now on. Make sure she does not vomit or get the runs. If she does tell mom and get her to vet but I think she should be fine.  

  9. No she will not die from eating chocolate.I knew someone who gave their dog hershey kisses all the time and that dog lived to be 17 years old. I figure if they can eat cat p**p and not die,chocolate is nothing.

    (not a bunch mind you)

  10. shell be fine, once my dog ate my really big  chocolate bunny from easter when I wasnt home and shes still ok. I heard that the kind of chocolat that is really really bad for them is dark chocolate I dont know if its true tho.

  11. We have 4 dogs all under 15 pounds, my 3 year old decided to share his hersheys bar with them.  i went inot panick mode and called the vet she said it might make them sick but that it wasnt enough to kill them. thank god

    chocolate is deadly to them but it wasnt enough to be fatal

  12. you should see what they eat when they find problems.

  13. She will be fine.  You would have to feed her way more than one M & M for her to get sick at all.

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