
My dog just made a big puddle the shape of Texas.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm so worried and I feel beside myself right now. I'm crying!! I need advice. Does she have a disease or is she just finishing up her days?




  1. i dont think diseases cause a dog to "urinate states." i dont think thats a sign of your dog finishing up her days ... =/

  2. may be she is just a smart dog.  

  3. Take a picture and post it on Ebay for sale.

    It's pee, she had an accident. Clean it up and get on with things.

  4. this made me smile, dude its gonna be alright. its just a p**s puddle that randomly showed up like texas. my dog made one that looked like Jesus , it was amazing. lool (:

  5. just wipe the pee up

  6. Well, don't your about your dog's urination; they tend to do that.  The fact that the puddle is in the shape of Texas is simply an aspect of the human condition.  For the same reason people have seen Mother Teresa on a piece of toast and Elvis in the sweat stain of a T-shirt.  Humans are pattern seeking animals and often tend to see things that are not present, simply because they resemble an image or pattern we have in our minds.  This is evolutionarily or phylogenetic in its genesis.  Example, babies are primed to recognize the human face and emotions, kinda why we see the man in the moon!  Good luck poddy training your canine!

  7. When it's the shape of the Virgin Mary, photo it and sell it on ebay...

    What kinda question is that? How do you expect any reasonable answer?

  8. wat the wat does that mean!!!!!!! i don't get it

  9. these things do happen when you're so obviously high on acid...

  10. i am confused.... why does the shape of texas worry you?

  11. dont panic shes just taking care of business dont panic shes not sick its ok

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