
My dog keeps yelping??

by  |  earlier

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When i touch my dogs throat he yelps sometimes, like i will touch the same spot 20 times, and he will yelp once. He didnt do it until today, after i started training him on how to sit. I think i might of grabbed his neck when trying to get his attention, and maybe i scared him, do you think this is why he yelps? I dont think he's hurt. What do you think?




  1. he is either overreacting or he has something lodged in his throat..  up to you,,, should seek vet attention

  2. aww i think you scared him. he probably thinks you're going to hurt him.  

  3. Some dogs are big babies.  My dog yelps if I grab his paw.  You can get him checked out at the vet, but it sounds like he is startled when you touch his neck.  If you've grabbed him there once, he may remember and he might be reacting because he thinks you are going to hurt him.  You should build trust by touching the spot over and over and giving him a treat when he doesnt react.  This will show him that you will not hurt him when you touch him there and he will learn that being touched there is a good thing because he gets a treat.

  4. You might have scared him, but dog's throats are also very sensitive. You might have just made it a little sore. I would keep an eye on it and if he still yelps when you touch it in 48 hrs, I would seek veterinary attention.

  5. It sound like the action frightens him and he's giving a yelp of fear.  I think you've hit the nail on the head in terms of connecting the neck grab and his current fear.  I'd suggest desensitizing him by touching his neck, click, treat.  Repeat many times during the day.  It won't take long before a neck touch=treat!  But for this to work, no more neck grabbing!

  6. If you are really worried take him to the vet.  Other wise you may have just surprised him
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