
My dog loves me to much!?

by  |  earlier

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Help! My German Shepard dog (Sugar is her name) Jumps, barks, and acts crazy when i come home! I teach her to sit and stuff, but shes only a half year and is very crazy! She loves me alot but it herts when she jumps on me. I also have a cat that loves me so much she never wants to get out of my arms! She loves being held, anyway, if you have the answer, please tell me ASAP. Thanks.




  1. wen she jumps, turn the other way or very gently hold her paw so she'll get down.   wen u walk in the door, make sure u dnt pet her til she sits nd doesnt jump.

    plz answer mine;...

  2. mine was too crazy when she was 1/2 year old i usually pinch her ears

  3. For the dog probs, try to ignore the dog when you come home. Shepherds are very smart dogs. Don't tell her NO, instead when she jumps make a sharp EhEh sound, cross your arms and turn your back to her. Keep doing that til she calms down and give her a treat for being good. Ever heard of the show Its Me or the Dog? They do this when dogs get overly excited and its worked in as little as one day, but since its only when you get home I'd give it a few more days. But try it and hope it works. As for the loving cat, idk what to tell you about that. An air blower for animals might work but that seems mean since the cat isn't being bad...sry.

  4. Your dog needs to be enrolled in a puppy training class to teach her basic obedience.  Jumping can be a serious problem- it can injure a child or elderly person very easily.  Also, no one likes a dog that jumps on them.  Call up your vet and ask him to recommend a trainer.

    As for the cat-  you're stuck with the love, sweetie.  Enjoy it.  

  5. My German Shepherd is exactly the same!!! I read in a book though that when they misbehave you have to totally ignore them and turn your back on them because they absolutely love attention so will quickly learn that to get your attention will be to sit quietly and wait for you to make a fuss! It sounds harsh but it would work although it may take a bit of time if your dog is only a puppy. Also take her to puppy training classes and stuff so she learns how she should behave! Maybe also get books and stuff on the german shepherd breed as they'll have information specifically for you and your dog!! Don't worry, you're not the only one with a deluded dog lol!!

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