
My dog ripped postcard up :(???

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A postcard came today from my friend. The postman sent it, and then my dog just ripped it up. It doesnt seem like a big deal, but im really upset. Its ruined and its supposed to be special. I dont know what im gonna say to my friend. Its just ruined and the celotape just looks awful. What can i do??




  1. my dog chewed up my mail that had money


  2. It's not like the postman actually handed the postcard to the dog to rip up on purpose.  The dog had to get it from someplace. Maybe you should learn to put things up out of the dogs reach/mouth.

    Just tell your friend the truth. If she/he is a true friend then they will understand.

  3. the post card would have ended up in the recycling bin after a while anyway. put it into perspective... you lost your friends post card, not your friend.

  4.   Your friend will laugh and understand                                                

    My puppy did the same thing to vouchers for a shop and the best thing to do is get a post box on the side of your house to prevent this happening to something  more  important

  5. buy a new one and write on it

  6. Not a thing you can do about it now.  Punishing the dog won't bring the postcard back and it won't stop him from doing it again (especially since I'm assuming that you found the postcard after the fact rather than catching him in the act).  It won't even make him feel bad about destroying this one, it will just make him think that you are scary and unpredictable because you randomly punish him.  Just tell your friend that you really appreciated the postcard a lot and that you were really upset to come home and find that your dog had ruined it.

    Unless you left the postcard where the dog could get to it (in which case you really only have yourself to blame) I'm assuming you have a mail slot in the door.  If this is the case and it is at all possible I would suggest investing in a mail box rather than a slot so that your dog can not get to your incoming mail.

  7. Might I suggest the book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"  it's only a postcard and honestly not worth spending your time getting upset over.  There are much bigger things to get upset about and that isn't really one of them.  Besides your dog is going to rip up way more than just a post card throughout his life.  Just tell your friend that your dog destroyed it, then work on training your dog to NOT rip up the mail.  That's a problem.

    Attach a basket to the door if you have a mail slot in the door so that the mail falls into the basket and not on the floor and away from your dog.

  8. It's only a postcard!

    You're friend will probably laugh when they see the state of it, explain that the dog got to it first and I'm sure they'll be impressed that you took the time and effort to sellotape it back up.

  9. Stick it back together with glue.  

  10. Things like that happen. Make sure it can't happen again, protect your mail by putting a box over it or something. Phone up your friend and just tell what happened. She/he will probably laugh about it and tell you what was on the postcard.  

  11. This is what dogs do. It's just a postcard. Show your friend. Your friend might find it funny. When my dog was a puppy she chewed up cell phones, remote controls, $200 in cash, memory cards, wallet and credit cards, ipods, shoes, socks...etc.

    I was a little irked at the time but I took pics of everything and I think it's hilarious now. So do my friends. It's her wall of shame. Wouldn't change a thing.

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