
My dog seems like she is going to get big but I am not sure.....?

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My puppy is a Border collie/ Great pyrenees. She has these HUGE paws and is about 20 lbs at only 5 months. I dont know if she is going to get big. I hope she is. Can anybody tell me an estimate of how heavy she will be??




  1. With a mix breed dog it is impossible to guess what characteristics for which parent the puppy is going to inherit. Therefore its hard to say if your dog will be very large like a Great Pyrenees or not so much as the border collie. My best guess would be because she is already 20 lbs at 5 months, I would think she will be quite large. Also, paw size is not a determining factor on overall size. Take a look at the size of a miniature dachshund's paws when they are born. They are huge. But they by no means grow to be a large breed. Just love your puppy no matter what size she ends up!

  2. it may be hard to tell- most of the time take a dog's weight at 6m and double it- for adult size, but with a giant breed in the mix, they are not full grown until 2 years of age

  3. hmm..

    sounds like she will get pretty big because of her paws

    since you said they are huge

    i would say maybe about..80 or 90 pounds.

  4. BIG, my lab had huge paws though and hes al ilittle one!

  5. It is hard to say since she is mixed. Collies are a medium sized dog and a Pyrenee can get up to 100 pounds.

    Pyrenees are also bad about getting hip dysplasia and skin infections so keep and eye on her.

  6. HUGE

  7. My Great Pyr weighed 32 pounds at 14 weeks.  He is now  17 weeks old and I know he has already grown some more.  Seems like he grows overnight.  I'm taking a lot of pictures.  My puppy has huge paws.  My vet seems to think he will weigh about 140 lbs when grown.  His parents were 120 and 140 lbs.  But it remains to be seen.  He gives really good puppy hugs!  This is my  first Pyr and I love him to death.  Not a mean bone in his body.

  8. Hmm, i would estimate between 55-90, depending on what breed she has more of in her. Its hard to estimate. She will get bigger. Her paws will more then likely be a little large, even if she does grow into them, becuase of the Pyrenees in her.

  9. I don't think overly big she may double to poss. triple in size

  10. This is a mix that will upset some people because you have 2 really different dogs that have bred so there is no standard to go by.Who was the mom?What size where the parents?You have a border who has light bone and a pyrenees who has heavy bone so your dog should be some where around 50 to 60 pounds.You say she is 20 lbs at 5 months old? That is not a large dog.Good Luck and enjoy what ever size your dog turns out to be.Tilks Mom

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