
My dog seems to have no dog-like super powers. Does yours?

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My dog is very old, but still has spunk. However, unlike my previous dog, this dog has no dog-like super powers. He was never fast (I'm faster) or had much endurance, can't swim, has lousy night vision. But he is very brave, having fought off other animals -- just not very athletic or gifted. He's a chubby lab mix.

Does your dog have doggy super powers?




  1. Your dog doesn't need dog-like super powers like you describe. He has better super powers than that. He is brave, loyal, sweet and loving. He also sounds pretty smart! What more could you ask for in a dog?

    The dog we have now has the super power to make everyone instantly fall in love with her. She seems to love most people and they love her.  She attracts lots of attention when I take her places because she is so cute and charming.  

  2. My dog, Jack Russell, is so super efficient, that she runs on three legs instead of four.

    No one really knows why, Vets checked it.

    Shes the coolest fake three legged dog out there.

    Oh, boyfriends dog, Choc. Lab, will, as if reading your mind, after you say, Sammy, go get pop. She will run downstairs open the fridge and grab one.. bring it back up, teeth marks and all.  Also works for beer and water.

  3. Other than invisibilty and X- Ray vision,sadly,no.

  4. My dog can jump over baby gates. She is a black and white Cocker Spaniel. Oh, yes, and she can run down our stairs in 5 seconds.  

  5. My chi and pup (mutt) have this amazing power where they can magically be under my feet and the worst possible times to cause me to fall flat on my butt (and they only do this to me...I swear they both do this on purpose too! lol)

  6. My dog can fling furry drool so high it hits the ceiling. He snores louder than most grown men. Weighs more than i do and has a best friend who is a ferret. =D

  7. maybe he has no endurance cause he is chubby !!

  8. My dog is dead,its funny that you say yours was a lab mix because so was mine and you described him exactly,it must be that breed,the only way I can describe my lab mix Sammy was that he was like a three year old kid with downs syndrome,he couldn't run,not even when he was younger without tripping up so he developed this fast type of walk/jog,it was kind of embarrassing yet funny,I like to hunt and I would always throw Sammy in the car and take him with us just for kicks,my brothers would laugh because the other dogs would run circles around him,he never in 8 years flushed a bird but he was h**l on skunks,the other dogs were smart enough to stay away but Sammy was fearless,he was smelly but never backed down from anything,that was a superpower to me,his reckless abandon to partake in any activity with no fear of the consequences,only a dog could get away with that,man,this question is going to make me cry,I miss my Sammy dog

  9. Well my dog ran away.

    But he was fast, he could eat an entire hoagie in less then 30 seconds (we weren't trying to feed it too him, he just took it, it was 7 inches long).

    I'm not sure if he could swim.

    And he was a great guard dog.

    My dog was a beagle german sheperd mix.

  10. My dog can sleep through anything! I one dropped a huge can next to my dog that woke up my really old grandpa on the 4th floor but Sage didn't wake up!!!

  11. My doggy has super speed.  She runs like 35 mph

    idk i didnt check though. lol

    She also can eat like 10 pounds of dogg food [dont give her that mucch though lol]  And she doesnt gain any weight or get fatter.

    But most importantly, besides the fact that I love her, she caught this dude that tried breaking into our house.  She is so sweet too.  she is a 5 year old 1/2 german shepard   1/2 rhodesian ridgeback


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