
My dog swallowed a hot wing bone, he threw up and was having a really hard time breathing. what should i do??

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My dog swallowed a hot wing bone, he threw up and was having a really hard time breathing. what should i do??




  1. Thanks for thinking of YA to open a new account in an emergency.

    IF this is true then the dog needs to go to the vet right away.

  2. is he breathing now? recovering from a near chocking is hard for any animal, even humans. i don;t feed my dog chicken anymore because he's old and it makes him sh#t him brains out but when i did he never had a problem with the getting lodged anywhere. some people freak out about giving dogs chicken bones but who looks after the wild canines who eat all kinds of birds and animals with small sharp bones?  

  3. Take him to the vet. I never give chicken bones to a dog. They are badfor them

  4. easy: go to the animal emergency hospital in your area

    AND GET THE HE!! OF THE COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hard time breathing???  CALL THE VET!!!

  6. Please call your vets emergency number or the number of the closest veterinary emergency clinic.

    If you do nothing else, feed your dog a slice of white bread. Additionally, mix a few small cotton balls in with some wet dog food or milk and feed them to your dog. This will provide a cushion that keeps the bone in the stomach and prevents it from puncturing anything. It also keeps the bone from entering the bowels and makes it easier for your vet to perform surgery if needed.

    If the bone was cooked, it could easily splinter and perforate your pet internally IF they chewed on it. If they did not chew on it and threw it up in its entirety, it may simply be a question of a sore throat or other irritation from an obstruction previously there. Watch your dog very, very carefully. If he vomits, has diarrhea, refuses to eat or drink or becomes lethargic, take him to the vet immediately.

    If your dog has black tar like stools, it can be an indicator of passing dried blood.

  7. If he is breathing normally now, he is ok. If he is still having breathing problems get him to an emergency Vet now!

  8. Take him to the doggy hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Never give cooked bones to dogs,especially chicken bones! You need to get the dog to an emergency vet,as he could have aspirated a piece of bone into his lungs,which can kill him.Hurry and get going!

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