
My dog threw up a worm the size of a earth worm.?

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My dog is a little chiahuahua mix and it only wieghs 9 pounds, it threw up a worm that looked like a all white earth worm and it was about 3-4inch worm, it was huge what could it be i called a vet and the person there said that it was more then likely she ate a worm and just threw it up a little while later, which is a possibility cause she was out side alone for a while but is this possible for it to be living in her and got this big, the vet said it would have been in her stole if she had worms




  1. From experience, you won't see it in the stool either until after the dog has been treated for the worms. The worms can be pooped out after they are killed. While they are alive they attatch themselves to your dog's insides. They could kill a dog if not treated. The vet looks at the p**p under a microscope to see the parasites. Good luck!

  2. not all the time will a worm (parasite) show up in the stool... the vet told me that dogs can throw up worms, if they have a large amount inside them.. your dog could have tape-worm or some other kind of worm parasite.. you should take that worm and put it in a zip-lock baggy, and take it to your vet asap, they will also want to check the stool im sure.. but dont go by the secretarys advice, you should get it checked out to be safe. like the saying goes.. rather be safe than sorry.. good luck!

  3. umm....this sound a little weird. Id a dog has worms they can definitely throw them up and even p**p them out.  the most common type of worms are roundworms which look like white spaghetti.  If you saw your dog throw up the worm you should grab a sample of p**p and take it to a vet to test, if positive it just takes a general dewormer, not really that expensive.

  4. Roundworms can spread to the lungs if left untreated for too long, in which case they'll be vomitedup.  They are white and sometimes longer than what you have described.  They can be acquired when your dog eats a dead infected animal or infected f***s.  Check the link below for more info and pics.

  5. This worm that your dog vomited up was an ascaris worm, otherwise known as a roundworm. It is a common parasite. So common in fact one in three people have ascaris. But to be vomiting them  up means that the digestive tract is FULL of them and they are backing up into the stomach. Your dog needs to be wormed. Take the worm to the vet to let them determine what the best course of action would be!

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