
My dog was abused, how can i make him less terrified?

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My dog was abused before we got him, he's TERRIFIED of men and anyone wearing black. How can I make him not be so scared?





    That is a great website to help you out.

    You should look into finding a behaviourist or a trainer who will do some desensitization and counter conditioning with you and your dog.

    For the meantime when ever your dogs stimuli is high (so when he sees what frightens) him give him a treat, something of high value to a dog like a piece of meat or cheese. Or if he won't take the treat then take him out of the situation. This is very similar to the technique i mentioned. The difference is with the technique you would be figuring out at what distance the dog doesn't react and slowly going forward from there, a foot at a time. giving a treat each time the dog is acting "good" if teh dog leave and come back going to where the dog last reacted. Its takes alot of time, patience and constancy.  

  2. Well, its time for him to associate people wearing black as a positive thing. Get a few friends to dress in black, and set up walking down the street, with them coming across you two. As they pass, they throw a treat at your dog. Do this over and over, and he will start looking at things differently.

  3. You can't make the dog less terrified, he has to learn to trust again.  Start by setting up a safe place where the dog feels comfortable and he can get to at any given moment.  This will help him get used to what is going on around him and let him know he can get away from things if he needs to.  The next goal is to socialize him.  Take him for walks and let him meet friends of yours who you know will not hurt him or scare him on purpose.  Let him learn to trust these people first.  Then gradually, after he trusts a few select people, have those people wear black around him(making sure his safe spot is still where he can get to it).  If he runs to his safe spot, let him.  Don't force him to be in the room with people or things that make him scared.  Also you may want to follow this up with treats and verbal praise when he does not run away or go to his spot.

  4. be calm and slow with him. any fast movements or loud sounds and you could end up getting hurt. have a sweet voice with him, and be slow with building your friendship. oh and of course, dont wear black around him.  play games that are quiet with him as well.  try not to have him so crowded and let him have a lot of alone time at first, gradually try to decrease that alone time and slowly get a little bit louder and faster with your movements with him.  eventually he should be back to normal. remember, don't wear black, i doubt he will ever fix that. good luck with your dog!!! =D

  5. Time, patience, understanding, lots of love, positive reenforcement.

    How long have you had the dog, time will help you and lot of patience. Obedience training also works very well. Dont push him into something that may provoke fear agression or biting. Slowly postive reenforcement will help.

    Here are some sites. Hope it helps. I adopt rescues and all mine were abused. Just be patient and lots of love. You will be amazed once your dog trust you and you can results of your efforts.  

  6. Well, try not to yell around your dog or making any really fast sudden movements. This could scare him VERY easily. You wouldn't want him to be more scared if his surroundings then he already seems to be. So if anyone in your family is yelling or jumping around in front of your pup, there might be a chance that he will be really frightened so beware. About the black. Try and get im a black toy or get something that is dark like black. Play around with it. Show your dog that it is nice and wont hurt him. Make him feel like it's just another object. Now give hime LOTS of love and appreciate him  when he is doing something good or acting well. When he is bad, don't discipline him harshly. In a calm voice tell him that what he did was not good. Just like you would a little kid. Now, good luck with our new pup! Hope all goes well :)

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