
My dog went pee all over my bedroom floor and my clothes how can i get the smell out?

by  |  earlier

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Like do i need any product to clean it or what?





  1. well u can put this stray called awsome its yellow... spray it all over the floor were the dog peed and rub it and put some water and clean it and idk what else good luck man

  2. Vinegar, its amazing getting out odors and stains, especially sweat stains and urine.

  3. put vinegar in a spray bottle and spray your clothes

  4. I would say baking soda in the wash and on the carpet. I have seen special cleaning products at PetSmart for such things but they are more expensive. When my puppy would pee on the carpet I would use Hot Spot carpet cleaner on the spot right away, after that baking soda before vacuuming helps with any smells.

  5. Wash the clothes with detergent in the washing machine.

    Baking soda on the pee spot will take the moisture up and help the smell.  Vacuum up the baking soda.

  6. Try Resolve carpet cleaning spray for pets. I'd wash the h**l out of your clothes too.

  7. There's this stuff called Kids N Pets.. you can get it at most grocery stores, it's really good for pet stains/odors. Follow the directions on the bottle, and I'd also get a big jug of white vinegar and spray some of that on the carpet. You can use both of these products on your floor as well as in your laundry. You can pre-treat with them and put a cup of each/load of laundry (along with your regular detergent). I had my cat pee on a pile of my clothes once.. and this is what I did and it removed the smells and stains.. and cat pee is much more potent smelling than dog pee. Good luck.

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