
My dog who never barked for 10 months?

by  |  earlier

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Won't freakin' stop barking now.

Did your dog just all of a sudden become a barker?




  1. Yes, JJ bless him!

    Then again he's a young Dobermann. He tries to bark for whatever he wants at the moment, quickly corrected on each occasion.

    I am seriously considering an electric collar for him and possibly for Tori to, to improve her recall when there are distractions around.

  2. My dogs are bred for their bark. It's their job!

  3. I have a feeling the hawks haven't been catching too much lately. Judge has been bawling his head off at the passing lagomorphs.  

  4. my pit bull never barked until she met a cat lol. she barked a lot when she first learned how to bark too. We started to ignore her in certain situations (because if she sees that we give her our attention when she barks she will do it frequently) when we use to crate her, she would bark every time we set foot into the room and ignored her. but now she sits quietly waiting for us to open the door :)

  5. I have a Redbone Coonhound who wouldn't bark as a small puppy except when I put her in her crate.  Now she bays and barks all the time.  Sometimes dogs just become vocal later in life.

  6. Yes; I had her one month (she was 13 months) and I was beginning to think she couldn't for some reason bark. Then I had visitors that she had never seen before and she barked very loud. Now she only barks when something is going on (dogs always have a reason for barking - you may not understand it or want it, but there *is* a reason) and I respect that by checking it out and then giving her a calming signal (canine communication) and a thank you and a treat. She settles right down as soon as everything is all good again.

    Sounds like he has learned to bark as a default behavior. Re-training may help.

  7. Is he just barking to be heard, or is he barking at stuff? Lacie barks at people, cars, cats, squirrels, dogs, etc going by the house, but she doesn't...just bark.

    Loki never barks (accept at squirrels in the backyard...or the cat in the backyard).

    Edit: oh look my fairies out to play today!

    Actually Loki does bark at Lacie if he wants to play...that's the one other time he barks. It sounds fairly normal though. Eli is going to be going through some changes over the next year...from acting like a puppy to being an adult dog. He just using his voice as an attention grabber...not sure how to fix that though. I have a talker attention w***e (Loki) he's just as bad...just a didn't type of vocal.

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