
My dog won't eat ANYTHING i give him!?

by Guest58032  |  earlier

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everything i give him he doesnt eat it's not because he's sick or anything it's because he doesnt like the food, and i've tried almost everything!

whats really good dog food for a rottweiler?

im running out of ideas!!

my mom wasts her money on alot of dog foos he doesnt eat.

why cant he jus eat the cheap dry food all the other dogs eat??

please help me




  1. take the dog to the vet, there may be a reason / illness why the dog isnt eating

  2. Well if you  had a choice of potted meat or T-Bone I am sure you wouldn't  choose the potted meat. Dogs have taste to , and he just doesn't like the cheap stuff. I prefer Purina dog foods for my dogs they love it. To the dogs the cheap stuff is like potted meat, they want the good stuff. You can try mixing good canned food with the cheap stuff he might go for that.  

  3. He is getting used to you giving/offering him different food.

    Try not to buy a brand from the supermarket.

    Canidae and wellness are good foods that are not expensive.

    Stick with one food, leave it out for 30 min...if he doesnt eat pick it up and offer it again at dinner time. No treats in between...nothing else to eat.

    He will not starve himself...he will eat.

  4. Well I would suggest trying other foods, but clearly you've tried that.  It doesn't hurt a dog to mix in a bit of PLAIN yogurt in their food (many many dogs with vomitting issues will have to have this mixed in their foods, vet approved), or you could mix in some cooked rice.  Another thing we used to do with our previous dog was to break open an egg over their food, it adds a "gravy" like mix to it, and its great for their coats.  You could also just add a tiny bit of water, it works like a "gravy" also.  Obviously before you try any "people" foods, make sure he doesn't have any allergies or whatever else, but sometimes they are just picky little eaters.  Gotta love 'em right?!  ;)  

  5. The worst thing an owner can do is to change food offerings as it creates a fussy dog.  The behavior is not caused by the food offered, so brands are of little consequence.  A finicky eater will be just as finicky with the highest of quality as the lowest of quality.

    Take your dog to the vet for a full blood panel. Be sure to have the vet examine his teeth carefully, as there could be an absessed tooth that is the problem as well.  Loss of appetite can be related to a variety of health issues, so you need to  to see if there are renal issues, tumors, parasites, etc.

    Once you get a clean bill of health, pick one brand of food and stick with it.  A hungry dog will eat.  It may make you nuts, but eventually he will work through his issues and decide that eating is better than not eating.

  6. give it cheese

  7. My sister, a vet assistant, feeds her dog once a day. Pick a good healthy product (they usually cost more and don't have cheap "filler"). No animal will starve himself. Be strict (a few treats are ok). Hang in there. Your dog sounds spoiled a bit, but will come around. But first make sure your dog is healthy and checked out by a vet.

  8. go to trader Joes the food for dogs might be better their

  9. pick one brand of dog food. put it in his bowl and let it sit for a hour in the morning, after that time take it up and dont give it back to him until dinner time.

    it may take 3-4 days but he will not starve.  He will eat. picky dogs know that if they snub the bowl they will get something else to eat. Just like bad children.  As long as he isnt getting horribly thin and he continues to drink water, wait him out and get him on a good high quality dog food.  Or try the BARF diet with him if you have the time to make his food at home.

  10. GET :

    1. a clean bill of health from your vet


    2. your dog to a big place like petco where they will have a large center piece with different kinds of food for your dog to try to see which one he likes best - I recommend wellness!!!!


    3. get the food your dog seemed most willing to try... and feed him at regular meal times picking up his bowl whether he eats it or not! He will eat eventually. If he does not eat or eats very little for 3 days... consult your vet with a more urgent case!!

  11. Try feeding Wellness for Large breeds. It's good quality food, they sell it at PETCO now.It's just as expensive like a dollar more than Purina. It's worth it! Trust me he will eat. Just leave the kibble [dry food] out and when he gets hungry. He won't starve himself wait it out and dont cave wait for him to cave first. If he still won't eat then take him to the vet. But make sure you dont feed him anything else. other wise he will think that if he waits long enough he will get what he wants. good luck!  

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