
My dog won't stop biting ?

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help my dog won't stop biting it is a 6 month old chiwawa minni dachshund.He won't stop biting me.HELP




  1. I have a beagle and she did the same thing. wear a cotten glove they hate the taste and will stop biting after a while.

  2. hmm well he might have sum theeth problems since he still a puppy like they could be bothering him as in itching......... idk hope its any help.

  3. Your puppy is very young so he is curious about the environment. Dogs don't have hands like we do, so they learn through their mouth. The best way to teach a young dog is through the use of positive reinforcement techniques. Here are some things to try:

    1. When your dog has his mouth on you, it is important NOT to jerk away. Jerking away will cause you to get scratched. More importantly, sudden and quick movements may make your dog think it is a fun game and reinforce his biting/mouthing behavior. At worst, quick movements may instigate your dog's prey drive and cause him to get aggressive. Instead, stay still and either give a No command or yelp as a puppy might do to his litter-mates when they are playing too rough.

    2. Redirect your puppy onto a chew toy

    After you yelp or say No, redirect your puppy onto a chew toy. You don't need to shove it in, just put it there for him to bite on.

    3. Time-out. If your dog continues with his bad behavior after you have told him to stop, then say "time-out" and remove him to a time-out area (a safe but boring room, e.g. laundry room). Leave him in there for a couple of minutes and let him out. If he starts up again, non-mark him (ack, ack), and say time-out and put him back in time-out. This time lengthen the duration to about 10-15 minutes. Note that if your dog stops the bad behavior, make sure to praise him a lot and give him good treats. Keep this up and your dog will learn that certain behaviors get him rewards while others get him into a boring room with nothing to do.

    4. Hand-feed him

    Hand-feed him some kibble one by one. If he bites too hard while trying to get at him food, yelp in a high pitch, and ignore him for a few seconds. Then start feeding him again. This way he learns that biting hard can hurt humans and when he does that, the food and attention stops. Hand-feeding is also good for bonding and establishing your leadership.

    5. NILIF program. A great way to establish yourself as leader is through the control of resources. Don't give anything to your dog (including pets and affection) unless he does something for you first. For example ask him for a "sit" before you give him food, toys, or freedom.

    6. Obedience training. Try and do some obedience training sessions everyday. Enroll in a class or get a good obedience book, and practice with him for short sessions (10-15 minutes) every day. This will help establish you as a leader, improve your bond with your dog, exercise your dog's mind, and give you good tools that you can use to help control him in the house.

  4. I think we all need more information in order to help you.

    is the dog playing?

    is the dog guarding something?

    does the dog get enough exercise?

    can you give us more info?

  5. He needs dog toys and you training him.If that don't work try looking up training your pet on the computer,it helped us.

  6. Train him. Tell him/ her a firm no when he does it. If not he might have something wrong with him/her. Or if not he might be growing his/her teeth

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