
My dog wont drink water,is he sick?

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I have a chihuahua terrier mix,hes 2 yrs old, hes an inside dog and for the last couple days he has been going around the house sticking his tongue out like if he was thirsty.he wont drink the water but he will drink milk,even after that his tongue sticks out. I changed the water to bottle kind and still nothing,is he sick?




  1. No.

  2. it depends but i would say not necessarily because some dogs have different times when they eat or drink... But just in casee maybe you should schedule an appointment for him just to be safe :)  

  3. How does your dog drink water? Is it in bowl? Some dogs like the flow of water, have you tried using a water flowing bowl for water? See if that helps him want to drink.

  4. I am concerned about your dog walking around with his tongue out. This not normal. It could be that he has had a mild stroke. Has he been eating? What color are his gums? If they are very pale this indicates dehydration. I wouldn't give him anymore milk because this will probably cause diarrhea. I would take him on to the vet to have him checked out. It just doesn't sound good.

  5. Well you should never give your dog milk cause it causes an upset stomach. I would call your vet. It could be a serious health problem could be a minor health problem...or it could just be behavioral. Your vet knows your dog better than me or any one on yahoo answers so your more likely to get a straight up answer from him/her.

    Wish u Luck


  6. No, dont give the dog milk its not good for them

  7. Anything is possible.  Look inside his mouth,  anything abnormal, a stick caught in the roof, teeth areas red or swollen etc.  If none of these, take him and get him checked out to see if indeed anything is wrong.  Dogs need water.  Milk is a little hard to digest for any dog.  Check the front teeth to see if he lost some and his tongue is hanging out because of that.  Little Chi's can loose their teeth from many things  and their tongue can just slip out past their front or missing side teeth.  A vet can tell you directly what is going on with him.  

    Don't let him go to long, he can become dehydrated quickly due to his little size.

  8. Something is wrong. All dogs need water. Something could be going on in his throat. Please have him checked by a vet. Dehydration will occur if he doesn't get water. That is very dangerous. Does he drink all the milk you offer him? Water is what he needs most.  

  9. My dog is a Chihuahua too! He won't drink water either. No, he's not sick. Maybe he's not thirsty, tired, or it's something Chihuahuas do!

  10. He could be. But milk is not very good for them actually, and it won't keep your dog hydrated like it needs to be. Trying buying some chicken broth instead and filling his water bowl and adding some chicken broth. This will give him the water he needs and hopefully the broth will make him want to drink it. If he won't drink it still, you will need to get him to the vet. Dehydration can be a dangerous and fatal things sometimes.

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