
My doggy is hurting!! Please help!?

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My husband and I have a 6-7 year old Olde English Bull Dogge. He's in perfect health except for the last couple of days. He seems to be constipated. He tries to p**p, but he just can't. Nothing comes out. He's thrown up a couple of times and just looks miserable. Now, I know that he more than likely has some kind of blockage with these symptoms. I tried using mineral oil and I also tried a suppository to no avail. He's still struggling and I'm going to have to take him to the vet if he doesn't get better by tonight. Has anyone else dealt with this problem? Any home remedies that have worked for you? I'm at my wit's end and just do not want to see him hurting anymore. He just looks so uncomfortable :( If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I just want him to feel better!!




  1. Take him to the vet. Sounds painful for the dog.


    I shouted on purpose.

    Doggie clearly has intestinal obstruction .  I pray it is not "bloat" or intussucepstion. Will probably need surgery and the longer the wait the more danger if any part of intestine has diminished blood supply.

    Please get to Vet  - - - NOW !!!

  3. Our dog, a 4 yr. old Shiba Inu, just recently went through this.  We took her to the vet and she was diagnosed with an intestinal virus.  She actually wasn't constipated, but had diarrhea.  The vet gave us meds for her.  Also we had to feed her a bland diet for a few days.  Within a few days she was fine.  

    Since you've tried mineral oil and a suppository to no avail, I wouldn't hesitate to get your dog to the vet.  Hopefully they'll be able to help your pup feel better soon!

  4. has he eaten any socks lately

  5.   Get your dog to the vet A.S.A.P.  He could be having a terrible blockage or something is twisted inside.  Don't linger on this.  I have a cat that has many bowel problems.  And I was told to feed him wet canned cat food.  And to mix in about 1/2 tsp. of Metamucil .  He seemed to be doing really good from that.  Hope this helps you out.  But please talk with your vet about his diet.    Kim

  6. Give the dog a curry, then he will **** :)

    Lol not really. He probably just has a upset tummy :(

    but i would still go to the vets just to check.

  7. YOu need to take him to the vet TODAY. He is very uncomfortable and may have an impaction. The longer you wait, the worse it is going to get, and the more miserable he will be. He needs to see the vet NOW!

  8. Take him to the vet!

    A table spoon of veggie oil can help with constipation , but from your description I would not risk waiting... take him to the vet asap

  9. Take him to the vet. No one here can tell you what is wrong with the dog. Looking miserable, vomiting and constipation could be anything.

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