
My dogs keeps throwing up?

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My dog has thrown up.. over 10 times ALL night and I gave him water and he just throws that up, I'm afraid hes going to get dehydrated. And, hes been very sick the past 2 weeks and we've takin him to the vet 2 times already. They said his stomach is inflamed, but their not sure what it is. He's been up all night panting and shaking. Is there anything I could give him to help?




  1. try feeding him a little bit of rice. and jujst give him small aamounts of water at a time try another vet

  2. As always, it's dangerous to diagnose on here.  However, has your dog been x-rayed?  I'd say this should have been done by now.  Did this vet give your dog any antibiotics?  Get him back to a vet asap - probably a different one as this has been going on for far too long already and needs sorting out before you lose him.  At the very least the upchucking should have been sorted out by now, and the shivering (pain) treated with an analgesic.

  3. Your dog was probably poisened by a neighbor. Or he ate somthing poisonous around your house....

  4. he is a really sick guy. the vet can give u meds to calm his stomach and clear up the inflamation. try giving him 1 tsp of pepto bismal and get gatoerade and try to get him to drink it up to get him rehydrated.the pepto might help if u give it to him a few times a day for a little ur vet back or see another so they can find out whats going on and get him on a iv to build him up.he is in pain and weak and the shaking is a sign that he is getting worse. i hope he gets better soon. good luck

  5. You really need to see another vet.  It could be a variety of problems.  First thing that came to mind is maybe he has a blockage of some sort.  He may have eaten something that is stuck in his esophagus or his stomach.  Has he been vaccinated regularly?  It could be a variety of diseases - distemper, parvo, corona, giardia, - there are many diseases it could be.  He could have been poisoned.   Is he pooping regular or does he have diarrhea?  He sounds very sick and could die if you don't do something for him soon.    

  6. Take him to another vet if your vet can't find the problem. He WILL get dehydrated if he keeps throwing up and can't keep water down!

  7. Go to a different vet.  Your dog could have parvo and that kills.

  8. yes you need to find another vet, dont let them give up if they say a test came back negative make them test for something else.. make them find out whats wrong and dont leave until they do.

    if the dog had Parvo, it more than likely wouldnt still be alive after 2 weeks, Parvo can kill a dog within 3 days.

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