
My domain name and hosting is with yahoo. Why can't their own search engine find it. This just is not right.

by  |  earlier

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I believe Yahoo search should find a site that they have hosted without having to wait for weeks to have it crawled.




  1. Until the spiders find it... it won't be listed... sorry...

  2. You need to optimize your site for search engines and then submit them so that they know to include them. has a package called traffic blazer that helps you optimize your site and submit it to the search engines.  I think it's like $30 for a year but it's worth it to get listed in the search engines.

  3. two reasons reason A) just because they host you doesnt mean you get free search results, they cost money  and B) the searhc is prioritized by most prefered result, which i doubt your website is preffered by the people searching for stuff ..

  4. Yahoo finder can be stupid sometimes. Ask jeeves =)

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