
My doxie has a lump below rib cage, left side, non painful, anyone know what it is?

by Guest44871  |  earlier

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i asked here because I cant get to vet until the morning and i thought someone might have an insight, wasnt looking for insults




  1. Could be just a fatty tumor.

    But it also could be serious. Please go to the vet to get it checked out, just in case.

  2. It's probably a malignant tumor. You might get it tested to make sure it isn't cancerous but usually they aren't. Doxies get them when they are older, 7-12 years. Sometimes they get pretty big but usually come back even if you get it removed.

  3. Nobody on the internet can tell you what kind of growth it is.  Take it to a vet and have them aspirate it.

  4. Why are you asking here? take it to the vet, I don't believe some people.Edit it was not an insult, check some of the questions that get asked about pets and you might understand my answer.

  5. I would no matter what get your pooch in, at least let the doc look at it. It may be as simple as a sist, or an ingrown hair. you may try a warm compress until you can get an apt, but still go to see a vet. Best wishes, John

  6. Prob fatty tumor or something. :/

  7. How old? I had a family member who got a King Charles Cavalier from a breeder who ended up having a weird bulge show up around her rib cage. She was young. Turns out it was a thing with her stomach. The food was going into this pouch outside her body.  Might not be the same thing, but it's worth a look see by a Vet anyway.

    I just had a lump removed off my cat's tail that I thought was hurting her. Turns out it was a mild cancerous tumor.  You never know. That's why it better to get them checked out and catch it early. Many times, it is nothing.

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