
My dr has just signed me off sick from a job i hate?

by Guest64056  |  earlier

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it is a very large financial company always criticizing your work even though you reach a 95% target so i have got no confidence and am feeling so low. This is my 2nd week off sick.

So i applied and got a better job at a much smaller company with more pay

legally where do i stand against a big corporate company when i leave at short notice




  1. If you do not have a contract and if you leave in an at-will state, you can leave whenever you want. However,leaving a 2 week-notice is the customary thing to do.

  2. That depends what it says in the contract you signed at the beginning of your employment.  If there were no contracts then breathe easy.  But don't expect another job from that company ever again.

    And congratulations on your new job!

  3. Generally if you are not covered by any contracts then you are held to the policy of the company.   The chances are that you are an "at will employee" which means that either you or the company can decide to part ways at any time and for any reason.   Which means that you can resign at any time with or without notice.   This may have implications however.   A lot of companies have policies that should someone leave the company, voluntarily, without giving two weeks notice that they forfeit any unused accrued vacation.   On the upside you may be working in a "sales" position for a company that has a normal procedure that when someone resigns and gives two weeks notice that they are allowed to leave immediately but paid through their resignation date.

    Don't worry about what may or may not be.  You have a new job to look forward to and there will be many challenges ahead to focus on.  Good luck.

  4. They may have a clause in the contract that you have to give 2 weeks notice. I'd check what you signed.  

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