
My dream? What does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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So in my dream im with some of my friends and family. We are usually in my friends house, or my family and i's cabin Up-North where we go every summer.

So it's an ordinary day then (I know it sounds weird) zombies start to appear and come after us. So we try to lock the windows and doors up to keep them from coming in. But one by one my friends and family start to go, and become zombies, until there are a couple of my friends and family left and me. So we try to escape, but before we do I wake up.

This dream really frightnens me, it's VERY realistic and SCARY. I probably have it at least 3 times a month. I just want it to stop. Please, does anyone know what this means?

If you honestly know, please answer.





  1. Have you seen any movie such as 28 Days Later? This could have started such dreams.

    I'm not going to be like every other user on here and go to a dream dictionary site, look up "zombie", do a copy and paste, and say "hope that helps." Cause in the long run, it doesn't help nor does it make sense.

    So let's break the dream down. Zombies... scary huh. Normally when people dream of something scary, such as a spider, I tell them to face their fears in real life. But zombies don't exist, so that technique won't work. So just remember, zombies don't exist and maybe that will help some.

    You're trying to protect you and those you care about from your fear. But slowly your fear overwhelms them. Hm... interesting.

    Scary yes. Realistic? Well... not so much.

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