
My dream is _______________?

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My dream is ________________.

Fill in the blank. Please, I don't want answers such as I want to be rich, I want to get ladies. I want your dream, of all the things that you can do, what do you want to make of your life. Let's be serious now(:

My dream is to become a great cross country runner and become an idol like Michael Phelps has become an idol for swimming. I also want to make some sort of difference in this world(:




  1. My dream is to be a psychologist for adolescents.  I want to help teenagers make sense of the world and give those who have given up on life a chance.  I would also love to become a published author or poet.

  2. My dream is....

    exactly this, helping people figure themselves out, and help them to be the people they dream to be.


  3. My dream is to gain a successful career in the film industry, become a professional director by age thirty, raise a happy family of my own, and when I'm long in the years, settle down as a grumpy film critic for a well established press. :D

  4. Short term:

    Get the courage by sunday to talk to a girl I havent seen in a year.

    Long term:

    If my band works out Ill go with that. A local band that was at warped tour wants us to open for them so we may have a chance.

    Make a really good video game.

    Go into the horror movie directing/scripwriting

    Not my favorite genre but by god i am good at it

  5. My dream is to be a forensic psychologist.  I want to aspire in this field because I want to help people in situations that they feel they can't get out of themselves.  I want to make a difference in peoples' lives and stop others from harming them.  

  6. Compete in a triathlon.

  7. to become a professional programmer, and a master pianist.

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