About 2 maybe 3 years now I have had sleep walking occurrences, terrifying nightmares that affect me physically(sweating, crying, running, can't catch my breath, etc.). Some of them reoccurring and some brand new terrifying material. but in the past year my dreams have become, even more strange. I'm at the point now that I don't want to sleep because I'm unsure of what I may think in my dreams, more importantly the lack of being able to control my actions.
So yeah strange dream history. The questions, I have a only a few.
Is this dreaming problematic or am i just being a baby?
*Have you ever heard over someone actually feeling their feet being grabbed from under the bed, and other strange physical feelings. Ex. hair being tucked behind ear without anyone in the house....?
Is this something I should consider seeing a professional about and what kind of profession would be able to answer?