
My dreaming is becoming, problematic, to say the least?

by  |  earlier

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About 2 maybe 3 years now I have had sleep walking occurrences, terrifying nightmares that affect me physically(sweating, crying, running, can't catch my breath, etc.). Some of them reoccurring and some brand new terrifying material. but in the past year my dreams have become, even more strange. I'm at the point now that I don't want to sleep because I'm unsure of what I may think in my dreams, more importantly the lack of being able to control my actions.

So yeah strange dream history. The questions, I have a only a few.

Is this dreaming problematic or am i just being a baby?

*Have you ever heard over someone actually feeling their feet being grabbed from under the bed, and other strange physical feelings. Ex. hair being tucked behind ear without anyone in the house....?

Is this something I should consider seeing a professional about and what kind of profession would be able to answer?




  1. Your not being a baby, the lack of sleep your experiencing from being woken up from the dreams is a problem too. The problem could be caused by a lot of things, from Sleep Apnea to an imbalanced in hormones. Your doctor would be a good place to start looking for a solution, he/she can find out if its something physically wrong with you, then the two of you can decide if you need to see a psychiatrist or someone else, if the doctor can't find anything wrong.

    Good Luck!

  2. This is one of the most amazing questions I will answer.

    You need to do some things here, first off, you need to try to sleep with the lights on, because being able to see the room around you is important.

    Second, if you can sleep with someone else for a while, you might do a little better, it's definitely worth a try, because the safety of someones touch is unmatched.

    If I were you, I would go to a psychiatrist and ask for a prescription for something to keep you docile, and mayebe even a psychotropic like Seroquel.

    You also need to look into these dreams, I don't mean to be pushy, but if you were raped, beaten, or hurt in sick ways as a child, you might need some regressive therapy in order to conquer whatever it is that is happening.

    Also if you worry, what you watch on TV, and what you eat before bedtime that can affect you in your sleep.

    Very bad, to say the least.

  3. Wow, that sounds horrifying. I'm sorry you are going through this. This site might help. It is posted on youtube by "myrebel" It is called : My Shocking Story: I Woke Up In a Morgue here's the link, hope it works. Hope this helps.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this!  You must be soooo terrified!  You are not loosing your mind and you are not crazy and you are definitely not being a baby.  

    Dreams occur when we sleep.  What makes the dreams so particular is that whatever is happening, we cannot escape, our bodies won't allow it because we are sleeping.  In some people though, because of a sleep disorder, they try and actually "run away" or react to their dreams by sleep walking or by "truly and really" feeling things on their bodies and basically freaking them out.

    I would recommend that you seek a sleep specialist.  They will meet with you and you will have to go to their lab or office and sleep there for a night.  They will hook you up and observe your sleep patterns and observe what is going on in your brain when you are sleeping.

    You're not a baby, you're not weird, you probably have a sleeping disorder.

    Good luck!

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