
My dreams always come true and its not nice?

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Any dream i have always comes ture.. I had a dream my bf's uncle died and 2 weeks later he did... I dreamt about his aunty telling me a story about having shoes with holes in them i tiol my bf's mam the next day and she said that his aunty always tells this story( i've never met him aunty anf uncel)... And now i cant stop dreaming of my best friend who has died why is this im so upset over her death as it only happened last month but i dream of her every night WHAT DOES THIS MEAN




  1. I dunno when this was posted but anyway, my dreams have started to come true too.. It's been few months that my dreams sometimes literally and sometimes hypothetically come true. Let me share my story with u. I once had this dream of eating a green popsicle. It left a horrible taste in my mouth. I woke up from that dream. It was early morning. I opened my window and saw a man eating the same colored popsicle just outside my window. it's funny how i still know the taste of that popsicle.Well the second incidence that i remember was of me dreaming about my uncle's death (my father's brother). Just a day after I had this dream my other uncle (my mother's brother) passed away. It gave me chill down my spines. The other incident was when I had this dream about my colleague, he was wearing a maroon shirt. I didn't see him for 2 days. On the third day I saw him and he was wearing the same shirt as i saw him in my dream. Funny that was. Ok the other incident that recently happened to me was about my boyfren being visited by his ex-girlfren. Well he lives a different place and it's been a while we haven't seen each other. In my dream I saw his ex girlfren trying to win him back. I talked to him today and turns out his ex girlfren (the same girl) is coming to visit him. Well..!! what do u have to say about this? Why do my dreams come true in such weird way. Oh I forgot to mention that I even saw my test scores in my dream and i got the same scores.. I am scared. Sorta freaked out.. Help!!

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