
My dreams are acting up without my dream catcher?

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I hav a season pass to this amusement park and when i spent the night at a friends house and i had this wierd dream tht was in the parking lot of this amusement park...there was a white truck...And this one guy who walked around with a bunch of people and he made me and my older brother stand next to the truck by pointing a gun at us...I started crying my eyes out...but my brother was just laffin...the guy got in the car and started driving off and then we started running and the guy and all the people were in front of us and the guy was in a em er sort of Barney? costume..and he took the head off...then my dream ended...and then the next night i slept on the couch in my livin room and had a dream about the guy and the white truck at the amusement park....does this have anything to do with me not sleeping with my dream catcher? (I hav had it for almost forever and I always seem to have bad dreams when I dont sleep with it)im 11 so these were scary 4 me tell me wah u thnk ;]




  1. I think bad dreams are useful. They tell me what's going on with me when I'd like to just ignore my problems.

    They're also a place for me to act out my frustrations and my stress.  

    So I don't personally need a dream catcher.

    But lets take a look at your dreams

    So you're having a recurring dream about a white pickup truck. These are anxiety dreams-- stuff you're worried about.

    In your dream, your brother doesn't take the threat of the gun seriously-- this could represent what you think of his attitude in general.  Does he seem like one of those guys who doesn't take anything seriously?

    He drives off and you run, but this is where your dream gets a little vague.  who are all these people.  Folks from the amusement park?

    So this guy looks like fun and games (Barney) but then he takes his head off.  That's enough to scare anyone.  I think it scared you so badly that you woke up.

    So honestly, I think this dream is just mostly that you're overtired and have a bit of stranger anxiety.  (Yeah, I'm afraid of strangers with guns too, and I'm more than three times your age.)  

    Nothing to worry about, but you should know that in real life, if anyone ever pulls a gun on you, both you and your brother should run away from them, not just stand there.  This is advice from that John Walsh guy.  Safety professionals agree that a moving target is much harder for someone to shoot at than a target that's standing still. Don't ever EVER go with a stranger with a gun because you will end up shot. If you run away from someone with a gun, and you are shot by chance, then people will hear the shot and you will get medical help immediately.  If you don't run away and end up shot, there's no way for anyone to get medical help to you.

    This is what I teach my kids.

    And confronting your fears in your dreams will help make you a more confident person.


  2. chic this is all in ur head dont worry. it all in ur head! :]

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