
My dreams are freaking real?

by  |  earlier

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ok im 13 and when i go to sleep i die like when i die i feel it like last night i went to bed and then i was in my bed and someone walk in and stab me to death i could feel it all the blade the puddel of blood i was laying in my life slipping away but i didnt wake up it hurts and pain then i die but i still dont wake up it is just dark but im still dreaming ive died alot in my dream every kinda way u can I NEED HELP




  1. yu ate too much salt.

    and im not joking.

  2. ???

  3. My friend once had a dream about his death, and he felt like it was absolutely real, and we think it may have been a past life memory surfacing in his dream. Like he was remembering dying. But yours sounds like your just obsessed with death or something, lol. Sorry.

  4. Your dreams are an indication of your general state of mind. You might want to meditate on why you have been chosen to be one of the alive. Be grateful for the honor. The only things that counteract fear and pain are love and faith.

  5. Did you watch any horror movie before you go to sleep?

    Do you like playing PS2 , PSP or computer games?

    There are games that will make you anxious, especially those related to ghost and killing.

  6. When we dream of death, our emotions run high. Feelings of terror, anxiety or even liberation can dominate our mood upon waking. As with any other type of dream, there is no one answer for what the dream means. Generally speaking, however, dreams about death signify much needed change in our lives. Such dreams typically herald symbolic rather than literal death. In this way, death dreams let us know that some part of the self needs to be radically reworked, whether it be one's attitudes, emotions, or relationships.

  7. are you worried that someone is out to get you? Because if you are maybe that is the reason why you dream about it? Are concerned?

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