
My dreams are starting to scare me.?

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they are NOT nightmares

some are but im not worried about that.

i get really freaked out because i remember more of my dreams then anyone i know

and i dont get how people alyways forget theirs.

does this mean anything?

but ill have dreams that are like a month before the occurance and then when it happens i get freaked out

ex- i dreamt a while back that me and my dad were in my schools library and he was sitting diagnol from me. someone moved in the background/ behind my dad and there was indian music playing in the background.. and then a lot more details .....

but anyways i was at my parent teacher confrence with my dad and the EXACT same thing happened. I mean EXACT!

like i wanted to cry it was so freaky!

:) its insane

what does this mean

like tell me more about de vaju

or anything

i need more then a cowincidence.





  1. You're a cooky goose!

  2. No Need to Fret! :]

    It's normal for stuff like that.  It really is deja vu, like you see something and later on it happens again.  Suppose I dreamt I had pancakes for breakfast... and waking up to my mom making pancakes would be deja vu.  Everyone has their days i honestly don't think it means anything.  there are people like you who always remember their dreams and people like me who rarely even HAVE dreams!

  3. i think its normal

    that happens to me all the time

    dont get freaked out

  4. i feel that dejavu is like a way of seeing the future in dreams but not always remembering them until it happens, it happens to me alot. its funny, if i go awhile listening to music while i sleep then go all of a sudden without it, i get some really wacko dreams. just a couple days ago i did that and i dreamt i was surfing the ditch banks outside my house without water.

    lol, dont get freaked out, its normal, everyone does it, its just most people dont remember they're dreams like u. if u ask me you are very lucky.

  5. Don't worry, dreams just re-cap what happened to you that past day or week. It's going to be okay, dreaming is sorta like a movie player of your thoughts, which some may say are pictures.

  6. They're called "precognitions."

    Basically you see the future in your sleep/dreams.

    Most people only have it once or twice in their whole life while others have them 24/7. Or they come in waves.

    My cousin had a lot of them right before she died..

    Aside from that, you're not alone. I have them quite often and the detail does get extremely trippy...and then people don't usually believe you when you tell them... of course...fft..silly people.

    There isn't much explanation for it so it's pretty debatable.

    But generally it's a psychic thing. It's not that farfetched tho, there are maaany different levels of psychic ability...everything from heightened intuition to hardcore clairvoyancy.

    My precognitions aren't usually anything too serious, and my guess is that you don't have much to worry about either :]

    but have fun with your trippy vivid dreams ~

  7. One interpretation:

    The phenomenon is called "precognitive dreaming."

    There are many examples, e.g. some in the Bible.

    The process is believed to be this:  God is Energy; Energy is Light; Light is geometrized patterns.

    Some such patterns of Light are more likely to outpicture in the physical.  E.g., it is a nearly-certain event for your father to attend a parent-teacher conference.  It is less-likely that a type of music and a type of movement would occur.  Yet, when such are strongly likely, your sensitivity toward the Light, and to angelic telepathic preparation-prompts and teachings, is more able to experience the Light--which is timeless, instant.

    The second key ingredient in precognitive dreaming, after strength of likelihood of a Light pattern's outpicturing, is your personal interest in receiving/being with same.  I.e., if you didn't care and have joy in being in the Light, you'd be less sensitive, less precognitive.

    If you kept detailed dream notes, and reviewed them, you'd likely note even more statistically significant precognitive events.

    Some worthwhile authors and sites:

    "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet; what is possible, in terms of angelic and Saintly tutoring.

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi.

    "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton.

    "Extraordinary Knowing," Dr. Elizabeth Mayer.

  8. If this happens to you a lot, it's kind of like your "gift" is "warming up".  You are "practicing".    It happens with things that don't really matter so you will notice it, and learn to pay attention.  Then, at some point, when it DOES matter, you'll have a better idea how to handle it.

    Pray and ask God for wisdom to use the gift He has given you, but don't worry about it a lot.  I know that will be hard (based on personal experience) but still, it is good advice! ;- )


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