
My dreamworld last night was very uppity. Care to interpret, as much as you so well can?

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Where to start?

I'm in my car, driving down this really wide highway. There is no one else on the road. The setting is incomprehensible. I have no idea where I am, but still feel secure, till, I try to make a turn off an exit. My brakes are all but gone. And somehow, I'm grabbing onto a steering wheel, that is a bike handle, and trying to push brakes. I could have been on motorcyle (that's how unclear this part is).

So at a high velocity I end up making this turn. Now I am on this bridge and I still want the car/MC to stop moving. My only visible option is to run the vechile into the side railing. I crash the auto. The rail has securely stopped me I do not go over.

The car stops, and I get out.

Now instead of being on a highway, I am in a graveyard, that is ontop of a boat. Yes. That's right. I didn't find out it was a boat, till I took a clear view of the surroundings.

I need to get down from this top deck. I leap down, for I can not find a ladder....




  1. The highway scene might mean that you feel your life is going to fast and out of your control.

    The grave yard on the boat might signify that you are uncertain about what happens after death.

    The being chased part once again may mean that you don't feel in control of your own life but that stresses are forcing your decisions.

    Changing your socks may be a sign that you are ready for a change of pace, perhaps career, perhaps relationship, or maybe just an attitude shift.

    The wallet might mean to look for help financially or look for something you might have forgotten from your past.

    The girl refusing to give you a ride might be saying that you are going to have to take responsibility for your own situation.

    Just a guess.

  2. Hi, I have to agree with Katie on most parts.

    highway scene: you may feel your life is going to fast and out of your control.

    The grave yard on the boat: might signify that you are uncertain about what happens after death and might find yourself feeling somewhat traped and unable to get yourself of of a situation.

    The being chased part: Feelings of insecurity.

    Changing your socks: may signify that you may go through some form of change in your life and could happen rather suddenly.

    The wallet: might mean to look for help financially  or loss of identity. be careful of what you do, do not drive recklessly, or do anything that may put your life in danger.

    The lady in the locker-oom: may be a representation of your mother or close relative or friend associated to you.

    Gathering of people: you may injure yourself in some way, where people sour round you, to ensure your OK.

    The girl: As she said, you may have to take responsibilities for your actions that may have goten you in the predicament that you have to face and overcome yourself.

    All I can say is Keep Strong and be strong, both emotionally and physically.

    These are Just my interpretation: only you can desipher what those images depict to you.

    Good luck and look after yourself. : )

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