
My drive always pulls to the right?

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i'm an irregular (right handed) player and my drive always pulls right any help appreciated




  1. You are actually PUSHING the ball right, a pull would send it left like mine. The problem, more than likely is in your grip. The entire swing is built around the grip, without a sound, one piece grip you'll never get any consistency in your game. Tip: go find a used bookstore and buy this paperback: Five Lessons; The Modern Fundamentals of Golf by Ben Hogan. Work on your grip with the information in that book and you'll be amazed at what it will do for our game. Good luck.

  2. your hands are turning after your stroke, make sure your hands stay straight and dont flick out at the end of your stroke.It could also be caused by your feet moving. Make sure they dont.

    Also make sure your club face is straight at impact as your slicing the ball. You can do this by practicing your swing and making sure the swing path is all correct, also try shortening your swing. You are probably trying to hit the ball too hard, slow it all down until you are confident that you can hit it straight and then worry about power. If that all fails, get yourself some golf lessons.

  3. Sorry don't understand? If your right handed and your shots are going right you are pushing them a pull will go left. Are you a leftie or are you pushing your shots.

  4. U r a duffer.

  5. Aim slightly to the left.

  6. close your face.

    do a bigger backswing.

  7. Make sure you check your alignment and your feet, knees and shoulders are on line with the target. If this doesn't work tee the ball slightly lower to reduce how far right it goes.

    Hope this helps =D

  8. to much left arm

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