
My driving instructor asked me if I'm Christian?

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Apparently the closest driving school is Hallelujah Driving School and my instructor was also a pastor. The first thing he asked me was if I was Christian and I said no. I don't know if he gave me a worse driving lesson as a result of that...




  1. Report him to the newspapers and to the higher church office (the national council of churhces if need be)  for being biased. he is supposd to treat everyone as an equal.

    If he had asked me that - I would have said - How exactly does my religion affect you teaching me to drive??

    The answer is that it doesnt - its an illegal question - just like in the job interviews. He had NO right to demand to know you religion at all.  

  2. Silly Christians.

    Shoving their worthless religion down everyone else's throat ^_^

  3. Point out you're a safer driver in case of rapture!

  4. I'm a Christian myself and no he didn't, If he is a true pastor he would pass you no matter if your not because Christian principles is living on righteousness

  5. lol

    Hallelujah Driving School?

  6. Then find someone else, simple.

    If he did then he's a bad Christian. Naughty Xian.

  7. I doubt it.  He was probably just making conversation.  Or maybe he was worried about your driving... (just kidding)

  8. You should have said, "Are you? You better start praying."

  9. I'm sure if you ask for the basis for your score, he would be happy to show you the criteria for his decision.  Otherwise it's subjective and you may have reason to suspect.

    But if he has integrity he will present you with a line-item detail of what you did right and what you didn't do so well at.

    And no, don't lie about your religion.  I'm not offended that you're not a Christian (Christians worth their title aren't), merely concerned for your eternity based on my beliefs.

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