
My drunk, abusive Uncle?

by  |  earlier

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I'd really appreciate any advice you can's getting really hard for me, and my family.

My uncle has been just recently bailed out of jail after 1 year for a car accident. As soon as he gets home, he starts abusing alcohol & drugs. He comes home every 1 - 2 nights drunk and miserable. He rapes his girlfriend (who can't leave the country because she doesn't have the money), he sometimes gets physically abusive toward my mom & grandmother.

Lately, he's been threatening to kill my family (I live with my grandmom, mother, 3 siblings, and my uncle + his girlfriend). The threats are turning into reality, and he's been pulling the knife out on me, my mom, and my grandmother. My grandmom REFUSES to throw him out. & my uncle will not attend AA meetings.

What should I do about this?.. Police?.. I honestly don't know. If he knew we told anyone about him, and he didn't get caught, he'd kill us for sure.

Sorry it's long...but please help?




  1. I would be very careful what you do for sure since he already threatening your family . if he start again just hid some were call 911 tell them that your uncle has threaten your family and I'm sure they will probably lock him back up in jail and then  he will get the AA help  .some  people you just have to call the polices on for you and your family safety. Or go to the neighbor's house.

  2. definitely tell the police and get a restraining order!!!!!!

  3. police, guidance counselor at school, adviser, any adult in a position of authority or in contact with law enforcement!

  4. how old u r ? can u tell me that is there any male family member around u ? can u and ur mama move from home for few months ? which area do u live ? who is looking after the financial support of u and ur mama ?

  5. ok so call youth and family services in ur area , they will make him leave for good as soon as you tell them about him and his abuse , if you want a restraining order on him , they will put 1 on him . but here's another solution , tell your school councilor , they have to report this , its mandatory  

  6. leave ur uncle and grandma, and move out withh ur family. that guy might harm someone physically someday n u don't have to put up with his ****

  7. Go ahead and call the Police

  8. next time it happens call the police

  9. If your grand mother is willing to put up with this craziness then you don't have to..if he pulls a knife, or threatens you in any must call the police...the reason he does all this sort of stuff is because HE CAN no one has stopped must take of yourself if no one else is doing it.

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